Ch.19- Yoichi

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-Mika's side-

Mika dodges and flicks his wrist, and his sword cuts the vampire's neck, spewing red into the air.

The vampire falls, and Mika blocks an attack from yet another challenger. Things are going well for him, he guesses. He's not injured, and has taken down at least five vampires already.

I hope the others are doing well.

-Yoichi's side-

A bow and arrow as a weapon are not good for close combat, and Yoichi struggles to turn and hit the vampires as they come in from all sides.

Yoichi isn't fighting to kill anymore, he's fighting for his life, having been separated from the group, fear making his movements slow, and his aiming worse.

A blade cuts into the boy's arm and he cries out, dropping his bow. It's a female vampire, her short purple hair cut into a banged bob, one of the only nobles wearing a dress.

She drops her sword like its a bug.

"I hate swords..." The purple-hair whines, then refocuses her attention on Yoichi.

"Heyy~" She says seductively, rushing up to him and touching a sharp nail to his wounded arm.

The boy whimpers, puppy-dog eyes wide with fear, and the noble laughs. "I'm Chess." She says, and sinks her fangs into his neck.

-Yuu's side-

"Die!" Yuu commands, stabbing into the vampire and activating the curse.

The vampire evaporates in a swirl of cloak, only to reveal another.

The Shinoa Squad was packed tightly back-to-back, fighting against the hooded-vampire reinforcements that had just came in.

"Where's Yoichi?" Yuu demanded, and Shinoa clashed sword to scythe with yet another fanged enemy.

"We got... Seperated..." Shinoa said between blocks.

"We need to find him!" Kimizuki yelled.

"We're cornered, Kimizuki!" Mitsuba said angrily, purple eyes glowing with hatred as she cut another vampire cleanly in half.

Mika. (Name). Someone help him.

Yuu thought, memory flashing to the day Yoichi knocked him out on the pavement, the time Yuu and Kimizuki managed to pull Yoichi out of being possessed, all the times that the shy boy had broken up fights between Yuu and Kimizuki, everything....

Please, let him live.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now