Ch.6- Shinoa Squad

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The entire Moon Demon Company is staying in large tents that looked as if thy could hold ten people each, kind of like some medieval  army, set up inside a large parking garage. It's dark, and most large white tents are silent and zipped up, but Yuu had apparently gotten word that you and Mika were joining the Shinoa Squad unoficially.

One tent was completely illuminated, and five people about your age sat in front of it.

One of them was a short girl, with purple hair held up with a bow, who wore a sly smirk on her face. This must be Shinoa.

Sitting next to her, a slightly angry look on her face, was another short girl, wearing her blond hair up in two pigtails.

Adjacent was Yuu, arguing with a pink-haired boy with glasses. A flustered, kind-looking boy with short brown hair was trying his best to break up the fight.

All grew silent as they saw the two vampires. Yuu stood.

"Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, idiot-Kimizuki, this is (Name)-chan and my brother, Mika Hyakuya."

Kimizuki flushed red with anger. "It's Kimizuki, demon child."

Yuu stuck out his tongue.

Shinoa smirked, looking down at you and Mika's clasped hands.
"So, you're the lunatic's girlfriend, huh?"
An amused expression took over her face and she touched a hand to her lips.
"Have you two, Y' know, h-"
Mitsuba tackled Shinoa, clasping her hand over Shinoa's mouth.
"Be quiet!"

Both you and Mika instantly flush redder than the color itself and jump away from each other.

"N-no I-it's not like that...." You cover your face with your hands.

Mika looks like he's going to implode, or burn up, he's blushing so hard.

Can vampires blush? Yes, yes they can.

Shinoa pushes Mitsuba off of her and stands.

"I'm the leader of this group."

You automatically fall into a deep, respectful bow.

"W-what are you d-doing?"

You look up. Everyone save for Mika is staring at you. Shinoa is blushing, eyes wide.

It's a vampire custom. Whenever a male or female in power addresses their own rank, and you are ranked below them, or female, you bow. Mika doesn't, because he was basically the Queen's pet, and it would be considered disrespectful to the queen of bowed for one other than her. But you... You bow every time. It was normal in the vampire world, like a show of ranking. When Ferid was your Keeper, you never bowed, but the past three or four years... Old habit.

You straighten. "You're ranked above me, so I bow. It's a... custom.... for females."

Shinoa frowns, still blushing.

"Humans shake each other's hands." She says simply, and sticks out a hand.

You shake her hand.

"There!" She says. "Yuu already introduced us, but he didn't really do it very well..." Yuu frowns.

Shinoa pulls Yoichi up from the ground.

"This is Yoichi. His weapon is a bow and arrow. He's a pu-"
"Shinoa!" Mitsuba calls again.
Shinoa rolls her eyes.
"-pretty timid person. He also squeaks a lot."
Yoichi squeaked. "Not a lot..." He argued quietly, puppy eyes widening.
Shinoa let go of Yoichi's hand and he scurried back to his place. Then she pointed at Mitsuba.

"This is Mitsuba. She's a big killjoy for me, and angry a lot."
"Hey! That's not true!"

Shinoa moved on, grabbing Yuu by the hand and dragging him up.

"This is Yuu-chan. 'I'm going to kill them all' kind of guy. You know the type."
"Let go of me!"
Shinoa let go of Yuu's wrist, and he fell backwards on his bottom. A stream of colorful curse words flew from his mouth.

Mika frowned. "Yuu! Shush!"
Yuu stopped, grumbling.

Shinoa pointed again, to the pink haired guy.

"That's Kimizuki. He's... special."

Kimizuki flushed. "I am not!"

Shinoa laughed and smirked.

"In time, you'll see I'm telling the truth. About all of them."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now