Ch.12- Reunion

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You run into a few unfriendly vampires on your way out, but you are technically the one trespassing, so you don't kill any of them.

You get a deep cut on your upper arm and another on your thigh, but they soon heal, leaving you with bloody clothes and slashes in your uniform.

You make it back to the humans by nighttime.

Mika is immediately there, all geared up for a night raid (huehuehue akame ga kill okay I'll stop) , Along with the entire Shinoa squad.

It's pretty awkward, but after almost being crushed to death by Yuu and enduring a few dirty jokes from Shinoa you set out to find Guren.

Even if Ferid is lying, on the chance that he isn't.... It would be bad for Guren not to know.

He, also, is skeptical, but when you show him your blood he decides that he needs to 'notify the higher-ups', even though it seems highly unlikely that you will sprout wings and flap around like a deranged golden chicken.

Finally, Guren lets you go back to the Shinoa Squad tent.

Mika, like always, is leaned up against the concrete wall, keeping watch.

You sit, well, more like collapse, down next to him. He's warm.

You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder.


"Yeah?" He keeps his voice low, so not to wake any of the humans.

"I've got something... To tell you."

"What is it?"

You tell him, and by the time you're done, Mika's shoulder muscles are taunt under your head and his eyebrows are knitted together.
Mika wraps a warm, strong arm around your shoulders, and stares at the moonbeams coming in from cracks in the wall, as if they can tell him all the world's secrets.

"Ferid says a lot of things... Let's just... Try to push it to the back of our minds..."

He exhales, long and deep. "Until the blood moon, or whatever's going to happen that day, I'm sure that it would only distract us..."

What he didn't tell you, was what he felt after you told your story.

It was a feeling, deep in his chest, no, more of an instinct, that wormed into his mind and said almost as clear as if someone had written the words on the inside of his skull.

'She's the one,' His conscience told him.

'Ferid-sama was correct.'

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now