Extra- Ryuk's Body 1

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It was a rather chilly morning when you received news-... Mikaela had gone out with a Moon Demon Company mission yesterday. He had left in a hurry, and had not been able to tell you of how long the mission would last, so it was up to someone else to inform you that his group should have returned, and did not.

"Goddamnit." You cursed, waving away that messenger who'd brought news of Mikaela's 'disappearance'. It wasn't that you were worried, at least not too much, Mikaela was one of the best swordsmen you knew, but this was not ideal.

You yanked on your boots as if you hated them, brought your sword to your hip.

Wow, Angel. You're all fired up. Ryūk's voice in your mind was sultry, rough-edged, as if he had woken from some sort of sleep.

Of course I am, You spat back. It's five in the morning, the sun isn't up, and my husband might be dead. I could kill somebody.

A low chuckle vibrated, you could feel him laughing. Bastard.

You know, Angel, I've been thinking of doing something.
His voice in your mind was a leisurely drawl.
I've been thinking about a possession. Of a vampire, one of the downright worthless ones, the kind that kill children. I could use them to help you fight.

You stopped on the buckle of your belt.
Holy hell.
Ryuk was a little hard to deal with, but he was a friend, and you trusted him. Still-...

That's a pretty bad idea. You began. So, so morally wrong.

He went quiet. Well, I've been learning how. Doubt we'll have another War anytime soon, but I can and will lay down my life for you in the real world if you'll ever let me.

The thought made it a bit difficult to keep your mind on the game as you geared up and got out into the apocalypse again.

It was not uncommon for you to go out alone, the guards all nodded respectfully as you passed through the gates.

Being the Angel had its perks.

Hey, Angel. To your left.

Wow, you must be really worried about Mika if you didn't even notice such a presence.

You drew your sword just a moment before a vampire's blade crossed yours. Two of his nasty friends swirled behind him.

"You dirty traitor." The vampire hissed, a male with a silver streak cutting through his burgundy hair.

"I don't know who betrayed who, seeing as I'm your Angel," you responded coyly, and slipped the blade away to curve it into an arc and engage in quick, bloodlust-filled fighting.

You soon sent all three into piles of ash, but that was enough time for two more to approach-... higher levels of power radiated from them, and you didn't expect the blow of the first's swords to carry so much force that it shoved your back against a crumbling wall. The offender pressed forward, growling, and you grit your teeth.

The vampire trying to murder you now would be quite handsome if he didn't look like he wanted to eat you. The golden blood was hopelessly alluring, and beyond those crimson crazed eyes and long black hair there was an unyielding sort of animalistic hunger that-... reminded you of when you were young, when vampires were much too elevated in their power.

Quite suddenly, the press of that man's attack agains you lessened, and his vampire friend behind him snarled. "Hurry up and kill her, you're wasting time-" he was cut off by his own scratchy groan as his body crumbled to dust, your sword in his chest.

Wait, then what were you-... you were holding a sword unfamiliar to you. That vampire had swapped them, when he was pushing against you.

Oh, you motherfucker. The friendly fire was far from your mind.

"Give me back my sword, or I'll put this homicidal rage of mine to use." You growled, and the vampire turned, his lips tilting up in a grin.

Your heart seemed to stop. Those purple whirls of demonic possession had crept up the man's neck, delicately lining his strong jaw.

"Now, you don't have to be so violent, Angel."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now