Ch.9- Krul

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Mika's side----

Mika presses his blade to Crowley's neck, leaning in close, his red eyes looking like twin flames.

"You've lost, Crowley."

Crowley chuckles at the boys venomous tone.

"No, you're the one who has lost something... Or someone, I should say."

He points a white-gloved finger over to where (Name) and Ferid were fighting moments before.

Mika looks over his shoulder, blond hair swinging.

The street is empty.

Crowley chuckles again, eyes wide and unblinking.

"Never take your eyes off the enemy." He says, and pushes Mika to the ground. Mika manages to twist and land on his back.

Mika's blade spins away, the red tentacles writhing, looking for their power source.

Crowley pushes his foot down onto Mika's chest, and Mika struggles to push it off.

Crowley, still unblinking, tilts his head.

"I wonder what your blood tastes like. A human turned noble... Must be interesting."

Mika makes a small "mmph" sound as fangs sink into his neck. He winces, one eye closed, and one of his hands scrambles for his sword.

"Get you fangs out of my Mika!" A high, snotty voice erupts behind Crowley.

Crowley pulls back, standing up.
"Krul. I didn't expect you here."

The pink-haired woman swipes her hand upward, the movement so fast if you blinked you would miss it.

Crowley's arm spun away, arching blood into the air. Crowley made a small noise of discomfort, but it was delayed, like he almost forgot he was supposed to be in pain.

Mika's hand finally wrapped around the hilt of his sword.

"Mika!" The Queen squealed, then erupted into crazed laughter.

"How many humans have you killed in their sleep? How many? Going for an inside job is exactly why you are my Mika, not this scum with a braid. Go! Kill!"

The pint-sized, slightly deranged queen erupted into insane laughter again.

Mika wiped his blood from his neck, the fang marks already healed, and flew up onto a streetlight, jumping away like a cat being chased by a weedwacker. He needed to find (Name), but first he needed a plan. And backup.

After he was long gone, Krul sighed and rubbed her temples.

"There are only so many times I can cover for that boy without looking suspicious..."

She huffed and looked in the direction the blonde had gone.

"I hope we don't meet again,

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now