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-One Year Later-

Mikaela Hyakuya had never been so nervous in his entire life.

Even in battle, even knowing that he might not make it through the next few hours alive, it was nothing compared to this.

His brain was spiraling out of control, his thoughts a jumble. His brain thought up of every tiny, possible thing that could go wrong, every horrible possibility.

His hands were clammy, he was sweating, and he couldn't stop moving; back and forth, back and forth, side to side, then back again.

Yuu laid a comforting, yet slightly awkward hand on his shoulder.
"Calm down, Mika. Being nervous will only hurt you."

Mika looked into his brother's green eyes, then kept pacing.

"Why can't I be there to protect her? Why do I have to stay... here...?"

Mitsuba was slightly pale. "She's strong, Mika. She can get through this on her own."

Mika paced; back and forth, again.

"But... Why are we doing nothing?"

"There's nothing we can do," Yoichi said, voice slightly trembling.

Shinoa scoffed, smirking. "Really, guys? It's not that big of a deal. This girl cuts vampires in half like its nothing."

"Yes... the Angel is strong..." Damien muttered. (Lol remember him?)

Kimizuki glared at Damien. "Why are you here again?"

Damien blinked. "To watch over the Angel."

Mika bit his nails. "I'm so nervous..."

Yuu grinned. "Yeah! So am I!"

Mika raised an eyebrow. "You look more excited than nervous."

Yuu shrugged, and again everyone was silent.

Mika's thoughts again began to churn once again, the worry setting down into his chest like hands twisting his heart.

Finally, the moment came.

The moment that changed Mikaela Hyakuya's life forever.

The door Mika had been staring at for so long opened slightly, and a nurse with blond hair piled into a messy bun on the side of her head, hazel eyes sparkling, said the words.

"Congratulations, Mikaela. It's a boy."

They named him Taro.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now