Ch. 4- In My Head

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You groan and open your eyes, to see the large, decorative black ceiling with golden beams cutting across it.

You push yourself up from the ground. The sword is a few feet away, and you scoop down to pick it up. It isn't cold anymore, and the hilt seems different, like it has molded itself to your hand.

Hello, (Name)-chan.

You jump, look around.

"W-who's there?" There is no one.

I'm in your head, dummy. Did I tell you I'm not like other demons?

You blink. "Ryūk?"

Yeah. Just... Stop talking to yourself. You can talk with your brain, you know.

You blink. Like this?

Yeah, yeah. A gold star for the human. If you want to talk to me, you have to be touching your sword, but otherwise I'm just one of those hanging-around-in-the-back-of-your-consciousness kind of demons.

You can practically feel him wink. It's strange. You know he's doing it, even though you can't see him.

Where's your sheath?

Ryūk pauses for a moment.

Trying to get rid of me already?

You roll your eyes.

I just don't want to cut myself. You've got a pretty sharp blade you know.

Thanks. It's underneath that weird velvet pillow I was sitting on.

You start walking towards the pedestal.

You've got a pretty strange vocabulary, Ryūk. I would have imagined a demon saying "thou" and talking all old-timey and stuff.

You sense Ryūk sticking out his tongue and making a "bleh" sound.

Well, the last guy I possessed had a pretty weird way of talking, like saying "vibes" and "dude" and stuff. Sadly he rubbed off on me a lot. That's what happens when you stay in a vessel too long, I guess.

You lift up the pillow thing and pull out the sheath. It's simple and black, an awkward contrast to the decorative sword.

I'm putting you away, Ryūk.

Okay. Touch my hilt if you need anything. Try not to die. I've waited almost five hundred years for the right weilder. I don't want to wait for another one to come along.

You hang the sheath from your belt, and remove your hand from the hilt. There's a small buzzing sound in your head, like a phone being disconnected.

There's a loud bang as the doors fly open, and Guren and Yuu step in, Both with their swords drawn.

You raise your hands above your head and try to contain your smirk.

"I did it." You call, and Gurens slightly widened eyes sweep over your head and into your eyes, where no horns or eye color change are visible.


Yuu drops his sword, mumbles something ending in "-maru", and picks it back up, sheathing the green and black blade.

"You...aren't possessed?"

You lock eyes with Guren, and finally let your smirk show.


Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now