Ch.18- Wilt

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Your brain struggles to process, to understand what Ferid just did, and he steps over the small, limp body of Krul.

You look at the body in shock.

The side of Krul's lips twitch up in a small smile.

She suddenly springs into action, tackling Ferid from behind. She pins him to the ground at your feet.

"Did you think that I would die that easily?" She hisses venomously into his ear.

Ferid relaxes into the ground, accepting defeat. He smirks into the dirt.

"You're always full of surprises, Krul."

Krul twitches slightly, her wide, psychotic smile creepier than ever.

"Die, traitor." She says.

There is a flash of movement, the whistle of a black blade through the air, and Ferid's head disconnects from his body.

He falls, almost in slow motion, and when he finally hits the ground, something gold slides out of a hidden pocket in his cloak.

Krul stays with her sword outstretched for the longest time, his blood darkening the grass, then stands.

The insane look is gone from her eyes, and she just looks tired, so very tired.

Her red, catlike eyes close for a moment, and you could almost swear her dark lashes become watery with tears, before she's gone, off to fight a different battle, you assume.

The battle still rages, but standing on the outskirts of it, staring at the bloody golden piece of metal, your senses are numb.

It's... The golden arm cuff, the one that marked you as his all those years ago.
The one that Mika tore apart.

He... Kept it. For all this time.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now