Ch.22- Damien

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Two vampires charge at you and you flap your wings, sending a powerful gust of wind that knocks the bloodsuckers down.

One of them has short, red hair shaved close to his scalp on one side of his head, the other side hanging down to his chin in feathery strands. He snarls.

"You were made to rule the vampires." He spits, voice dripping with venom. He's got a slight Indian accent, which explains why his skin is slightly darker than most of the vampires.

You shrug, easily blocking a swipe of his sword. "And you were made for what reason, exactly?"

You use your left wing to bat away the other vampire, and lock swords with the red-head, your red eyes glaring into his.

There is something about this one's eyes, Ryūk says skeptically. Like he's faking his bloodlust.

You push back with greater force, and sweat breaks out on the red-heads forehead.

You swiftly swipe out a leg, sweeping it under him, and the vampire falls. You tackle him, sword at his throat, wings coming down around both of you like a tent.

"To... enslave... the humans." The vampire finally answers.

You raise an eyebrow.

"And to serve the Angel." You say.

You are unaware of the fact your red eyes swirl a mesmerizing mix of silver and gold.

A battle of two instincts fights between the red-heads eyes.

"Fight with me. With the humans."

The vampire's expression flickers, and then finally, he shudders, more like convulses, beneath you.

"Al... right...." He chokes.

That was easier than I thought, Ryūk. Thanks.

I'm the Angels weapon, after all.

You lift your sword from the nobles neck.

"Name?" You ask.

"Damien." He replies.

You stand up, quickly put out a hand. He takes it, and you help him up.

"Looking forward to fighting with you, Damien."

His eyes go slightly dull.
"My purpose is... To serve the Angel..." He says, voice monotone.

You shiver. Creepy, you think, as you spin to challenge another opponent.


Damien's fighting skills are surprisingly advanced, and he quickly takes down at least ten hooded vampires.

It's slightly unsettling to watch his robotic movements, the empty look in his eyes, but as the fight progresses his expression hardens, and the fire and devotion behind his eyes are almost as strange.

A few words and I've got myself a muscular, red-haired vampiric follower, eh? That's kind of... nice...

You end up meeting back up with Mika, and the both of you stand back-to-wings, swords pointed outward.

The red light of the moon is fading, and the vampires movements are slowing, but that also means Mika is also losing power.

You gaze out on the battlefield.

The vampires are being overwhelmingly beaten, and the empty cloaks on the battlefield outnumber the human bodies.

Mika chuckles. "We might actually win this."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now