Ch.15- Pre-Battle

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You lean up against Mika, biting your lip as a cold sweat breaks out on your forehead.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yuu's green eyes are wide with concern, and you give a half-hearted nod.

"No, you're not." Mika says, his worry mixing with irritation.

You clench a fistful of his shirt as pain erupts again on your shoulder blades. You squeeze your eyes shut as another awful shifting under your skin sends a wave of nausea through you.

"Nope." You admit, feeling like fainting. "N-not okay..."

Over the past two days, you eventually accepted that you were this "Angel" everyone was talking about, but growing wings? That still seems unreal. Even though if feels like something is ripping apart my-

"...nngh..." Something shifts again, and Mika flinches like he's the one in pain.

"We need to... Get you something for the pain, or something..." His voice is strained. He doesn't know what to do, and it's obviously taking a toll on him.

Shinoa's eyes are as big as saucers.
"Are you really... Growing... Wings?"

"Hey..." You say weakly. "Yuu turned into a-"

"ShhHHh!" She hisses.

"What?" Yuu asks, looking bewildered.

"A better PERSON." Shinoa fills in.

Mitsuba ruffles the grass with her foot, looking uncomfortable, and Kimizuki pretends to be very interested in the clouds. Yoichi squeaks.

Another invisible pick axe slams into the flesh between your shoulder blades, and you bite back another "nngh".

Mika squeezes you tighter and pulls the hair plastered to your forehead by sweat to the side.

The atmosphere darkens.

"Hang in there, (Name)." Mika's voice is low in your ear.

"The blood moon is soon." He mumbles, and a ripple of discomfort hits the Shinoa Squad.

In the distance, the vampires are drawing their swords.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now