Ch.13- Two Days

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Mika's eyes snap open.

"It's in two days."

You tilt your head up. "Hmm?"

"The blood moon."

You blink rapidly. "What?"

The blonde nods. "I- I can feel it. Two days, counting today."

"Mika! Are you sure?"

You and touch your sword.

You and me need to talk, you ignorant little demon.

There is no answer.

Ryūk! You call again.

Y-yeah... I'm here...

You try to contain your anger.

You knew something all along, didn't you? Didn't you?

Ryūk makes a small noise that sounds kind of like a whimper.
Well, yeah. Why do you think I made a deal with you? Every demon would slaughter cities if it meant they got to be Angel's weapon.

Your face goes slack with shock as you try to process what Ryūk just said.

Am I... Really... The Angel?

That you are, princess.

Mika's voice snaps you out of your trance.

"Um, (Name)-chan, what are you doing?"

Mika looks beyond confused.

"N-nothing, Mika, just wishing I could break whatever contract binds me to this thing."

Hey! That is not nice!

Well, you should have told me something, demon!

You sigh. "If it's in two days, then you should probably tell Yuu, and everyone else."

You stand up shakily. "I... Need to think for a bit."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now