Ch.8- More than you Know

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Ferid suddenly lashes out, flipping you over, until he is the one pinning you down.

"Seriously (Name). Did you think that all those years ago I just changed you into a vampire for no reason?
Do you remember me saying my order came from someone higher than the queen?
And that day you were stabbed, and Mika stabbed you before they could activate the curse? Well, actually, that boy did activate his weapon. The curse didn't work on you. You're not a vampire, (Name).
When the vampires came up into this world quite literally out of the depths of the earth, did you think that nothing else but the Giants came up?
Why do you think an ancient demon that has possesed hundreds of people just laid down like a dog and let you be its owner?
Everything you know is a lie, and I have the awnsers. (Name)! You need to come with me!"

He's a madman. Nothing he is saying makes sense.

"I choose the second option."

Ferid bares his fangs.

"There is no second option. You need to come with me, (Name). This affects the humans and the vampires, actually, it involves everyone. You need to come with me."

You snarl. "You're feeding me lies, trying to get me to come with you. It's never going to work."

Ferid's voice grow urgent.

"Please. If you don't know what you are, you're only going to end up killing a bunch of humans, maybe even all of them."

"All of them? Really Ferid, are you that desperate to get me to come with you?"

Ferid goes deadly calm.

"I see you can't be reasoned with."

He slams a palm into your temple, and you black out.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now