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The queens attacks are strong and crazed, and soon golden blood flows from cuts and burns all over your body.

You stand, slightly hunched over, clutching your arm as it flows blood, one eye shut in pain.

Mika tries his best to hold off the Queen, but you watch in horror as her foot connects with his spine, sending him flying. His body hits the ground with a sickening crunch, and you cry out.


The Queen tilts her head at you, eyeing Ryūk, in the grass far from you.

"You're not an ANGEL!!"
The woman screeches, black eyes wide with insanity.

She's completely snapped, and seems to have grown ten times stronger, and faster, just in this short battle.

Krul's figure blurs, and before you can react, you're pinned to the grass, chin cracking into the ground. Pain jolts through your body, and Krul's fanged lips near your ear.

"You aren't an Angel. Angels deserve their wings." She hisses, then erupts into insane giggles.

"How about I cut them off?"

The queen raises her flaming sword, and your screams pierce the air.

All you see is black.

WELP that escalated quickly. I'm trying my best to keep your attention, am I doing a good job? *evil laughter*

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now