Okay this might be weird and terrible of me,
But there is this singer/rapper his name is BMike (he's amazing and inspirational you should check him out on YouTube) and I don't know I still listen to him,
But I was listening to one of his songs when I suddenly remembered years ago when I first found out about him, I was in a really dark place,
And I had cried myself to sleep every night,
But then I had trouble sleeping and I guess I just felt terrible that I forgot what he did for me all those years ago.
He's very sweet, funny, kind, and inspirational,
And I'm glad I found out about him all those years ago.
Uhm I remember I had found out what cutting was 4 years ago, by watching this uhm...... movie.
And then there was a recommendation on the side and it was the song "Baby Don't Cut"
and even though I hadn't cut in 5th grade,
I understood how the girl felt, and I cried so much listening to that song and then I listened to his other songs,
Like: Life in my stomach, Away, Escape, Dear Dad, Demons In My Head, Two Faces, Karma, and other songs.
I just wanted to say you guys should check him out,
Because he has done so much for me,
And I was hoping he can help you too.He's always been one of my heroes,
And I just wanted to share his music with everyone.Stay Strong you are beautiful and amazing, and I hope you see that 😍😘❤❤
You can get through it,
I promise,
And I hope things get better because no matter what you deserve happiness 😘
Drowning In Sorrow- Poetry
Poesia*Trigger Warning* Suicide, cutting, depression, abuse, self harm, death etc. ~I didn't know happiness as well as I know sorrow ❤️ Stay strong ❤️