1. Girl with a dream

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Trisha's POV

Life is unpredictable. When, what will happen, no one can tell. Nobody's prepared for it. We cannot choose the events in our life, but consequences? We can. When we are at crossroads, the road we choose, the path we decide to walk on, is what matters. Life is a choice. Everyday, everything we do is a choice. Some decisions we make, some decisions are made for us. But the most important thing to remember is we choose this life and what we do with it and what it becomes is also our choice.

I have always thought, whatever happens in the life, it happens for a reason. Something good always comes out of it. May be, at that moment, you won't find the happenings likeable or convenient to you; but when the right time comes, you will know that, if that thing wouldn't have happened, you wouldn't have gained whatever you have gained from it. Be it hedonic happiness or eudaimonic happiness.

"This is the last box, right, mom?" I asked my mom impatiently.
"Yes darling, last box" She said,smiling at me, arranging the stuff in respective places.

Yesterday evening, me and my mom-dad came here, at our new address, our new home. I was very curious thinking of my new friends, new house. My full day went in arranging my new home, especially my new room which is my space. We ordered some food from restaurant as the kitchen wasn't ready for cooking. But today may be I can have my breakfast made by my mom. Anandi Joshi, my mom, has a God gifted talent of cooking. If you eat her dishes, you will sit licking your fingers.

After taking my breakfast, I went in my room to take a shower. I always love to take shower. Taking the warm water on the body and singing your favorite song like nobody is listening. After 20 minutes of my royal bath with my favorite shampoo and sweet smelled soap, I wrapped my fluffy towel and came out looking for my comfortable clothes. I wore my purple top and a matching shorts, brushed my wavy hair and tied it in a ponytail. And went downstairs, in the living room for reading my incomplete story book. Avinash Joshi, my dad, a successful businessman, came home, fully soaked, from tip-to-toe like he just had a shower. No wonder, it's raining outside. I quickly went and came with his towel. He literally ran for a hot shower and I couldn't stop smiling sheepishly at that direction, shaking my head.

In the evening, I went to my classical dance class. Yeah, I know I did a lot of work these two days, but really, when I dance, all my exhaustion get vanished like some kind of magic. It is my life. I can't live without Dance. And that's why my passion, my aim is to become a popular professional dancer. And nothing can come in between my aim.

I somehow like this line saying,
'Put your heart into dance and dance will never leave your heart ❤ '

I hope you like this introduction part of Trisha. I will try to publish the next chapter ASAP. Be patient. Love you all. You can give me suggestions if you want so that I can improve myself ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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