17. You

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Trisha's POV

I was so excited for the upcoming Diwali festival. The festival of lights, of colours. The festival of hopes.. It was a week before. My first festival in this lane, with my friends. I did shopping, God, how many clothes, accessories, jewellery, I buy. Me and mom were currently busy, making lots of sweets and tasty food like laddoos,chakli,chiwda,karanji etc. I buy a beautiful lantern which I was going to hang in our porch. I searched for some beautiful but easy-to-draw rangoli designs. Me, Mom and Dad, together cleaned up the whole house.

I was finding some colours for the rangoli to draw and the small ceramic pot like lamps to light up the flame. After like twenty minutes of finding, I finally found everything. It was an evening before the first day of Diwali.

" Trisha, dear, please hang the lantern in the porch, will you?" Mom called me from the kitchen, as she was rechecking the sweets and other dishes. " Your Dad will be late today. And I can't climb up the ladder, my knee is still paining due to that accident."

" Yeah mom, don't worry, I'll do that. Just hold the ladder for me. You know how high the sealing is. And I don't wanna make myself hurt one day before Diwali." I said while taking the lantern.

I hung it to the sealing with the help of mom and then switched on the light to see the enlightened lantern. I couldn't help but smiling to myself.

" The lantern is very beautiful!"

We both turned to greet Ved's mom with a smile. Mom and Ved's mom were becoming great friends. Both were of same age. They started exchanging their recipes, started going out for shopping, talking for like hours. Dad and Ved's dad were also now very good friends. I was happy for them.

" Thanks, Shivani. Your lantern is also very beautiful. I love it." Mom said with a bright smile.

" Mom, I'm going on the hill. Will be back in two hours." Ved said while putting the shoes.

" Okay, but don't be too late, you have to wake up early tomorrow."

" Mom. I'm not a kid. I'll come soon." He said with an irritation and embarrassment.

" I know you much better than you think, son," she said with a a shrug.

I giggled but tried to stop when he looked with his brown eyes to my black eyes. I felt warmth in my cheeks as he looked at me. I tried to divert my gaze but failed. It was like, our eyes are locked in for a while.

" Bye, mom" He said without breaking the eye contact but there was a smirk on his face. He went, driving his bike.

" Mom, I have to read a book. I'll be in the study room. Call me if you want something." I quickly said, going inside, trying to hide the blush.

I ran through the stairs and entered in the study room. I was smiling like an idiot. I sat on a chair and calmed myself down. Taking the book in hands, I tried to concentrate on it. I was currently reading a suspense thriller novel. It was a good way for the distraction. I was a bookworm. I practically can read anything. My book racks were so huge that I have to climb up on a stool to take a book of the upper shelf. It reminded me of Ved's book collection which lead my thoughts to his room.. so clean, so cosy.. his books, his guitar, his wardrobe with the poster of Manchester United, his study table, his bed.. it was all so artistic, studious and.. manly.

I always had a fantasy that my prince charming would be a great guitar player who would convince me with a beautiful love song played with a guitar when I would be angry. Or would propose me by playing my favourite love song on the guitar in the middle of the sea shore where there would be his beach house. It would be a situation in which the sun is setting and the moon is rising and the sky is gloaming with the yellowish red colours painted on it. It would be fragrance of salty sea water.

" Trisha, dinner is ready."

The call of mom bring me back from the world of my fantasies.

" Coming, mom" I said aloud, placing the book in the shelf.


I opened my eyes as the alarm rang. It was dark outside as it was only 4:30 am. Yawning, I aside the blanket and immediately felt the cold breeze. I shuddered due to the freezing cold. But I got up from the bed, made the bed and went in the bathroom. After doing the usual courses, I went in the kitchen. Mom was there, making tea for her and Dad. I made my coffee and drank it quickly. Filling a bucket full of water with a mug, I went to the porch. It was more chilly outside than in the inside. I ignored the coldness and started washing the porch and the stone tiles of the garden as per the tradition. After washing it, I came inside, shivering and went directly in the hall where mom was sitting with the hot scented coconut oil. I sat in front of her on a stool and she started anoint. It helped me to get warmed. I took a royal bath with the balsamic powder and my favourite soap. I get dressed in my new outfit, a beautiful gray-hot pink combo anarkali suit which I paired with the off white platform heels and matching jewellery.

It was 5:45 am when I lit up the ceramic lamps and placed them in the respective places. The whole house was enlighten by the lantern and the lamps. I brought the colours and white rangoli. I have already decided the design. I went to the porch and started making rangoli.

When I was making the rangoli, my head was tilt at the left side due to which I was able to see Ved's porch. Of course, I wasn't intend to look at that side. It was just a coincidence. And then, his main door got open and he came outside shirtless, wearing only his sweatpants. As he started doing push-ups, his toned body, his muscles started tensing.

I was looking with the wide eyes, mouth opened. I swallowed and averted my gaze. I can tell that my cheeks were red. I was blushing. My heart was pounding like I just came running from the marathon. I could feel heat in my body.


Get a hold on yourself, Tris. He can't affect you that much, can he?

Take a deep breath.. concentrate on the rangoli.. you're not going to gawk at him.. you're not going to drool over him.. control yourself.. Get A Hold.

Ved, please don't look at me.. please don't look at me.. please don't look at me.. please..

He looked at me.


His brown dazzling eyes..

He looked taken aback. But quickly covered himself with a smirk on his face.

I turned my face quickly to hide my blushing with my hair.

" Beautiful,"

" What?" I asked astonishingly.

" Rangoli.. beautiful design," He said with a small smile.

" Umm.. thanks," I gave a smile.

" Beautiful," His eyes were on me.

" Yeah, I really worked hard for the rangoli." I said.

" Not the rangoli," he said.

" Then?" I was confused.

" You," He said with a wink.

And just like that, he went inside.

And I was there, as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise.

Hey guys, this is my favourite chapter. Hope you like it. This chapter is close to my heart due to some reasons. Anyway, Diwali is one of the big festivals in the India. So, I decided to take it. If you like the chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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