23. The Big Day

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" The dance is over. The applause subsided. But the joy and feeling will stay with you forever."
- W.M.Tory

Trisha's POV

Finally.. the most important and awaited event came. The biggest classical dance show for which me and my two dance partners were practicing for nine months with all the dedication and passion.

Two days before the event, we all were in the ruins. I had finally got some time from the practice to meet my friends and to invite them. I was very much excited and nervous at the same time.

" Hi guys," I breezed inside.

" Hey, look who's here! The famous dancing star Miss Trisha Joshi!" Anand dramatically said. I laughed and playfully shoved him.

" Exactly, aren't you a sight to look at these days?" Sushant said, leaning against a wall.

" I know, right? But what should I do? The practice was really hectic and important. I had to make it my first priority. But now only two days." I huffed. My schedule was really hectic and I was dying for a break, a really long break.

" And then you'll be free.. how's it going? Ready for the program?" Shriya asked.

" Yup.. but I'm nervous. I hope it will be good. And you all have to come to cheer me up, ok?" I bite my lip.

" Of course, at what time will it be?" Lara asked.

I gave them the invitation cards. " At 5:30 pm in the City Hall. And these are your passes. Don't forget to bring them with you."

" Wow.. you look gorgeous! You are indiscernible in this make up and costume." Ved said in amazement, eyes wide and an impressive smile on his face.

" Thanks," I smiled fondly. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

" I'm not being nosy but how much money you cost for this one three hours event?" Sushant curious asked.

" Umm.. 2 lacks.. and if you count the other small expenses, the cost went up to two and a half lacks.." I said, calculating in the mind.

" Wow! WHAT!! You're telling me that you spend two and a half lacks for a three hours event! You must be kidding!" He was looking quite a back.

" Yes I am telling you this.. and no I'm certainly not kidding you." I gave a small laugh.

" Which expenses?"

" Umm.. like.. musicians.. stage.. anchor.. costume.. jewellery.. make up man.. hair stylist.. decorations.. video and photographer.. photoshoot.. invitation cards.. and other shopping expenses.." I shrugged.

" God! I can only imagine." He held his hands up. I smiled.


I was in the green room. Me and my two friends were getting ready for the program. Make up man was doing my
Make up. One was getting her hair done and one was in the dressing room for costume. It was 1:30 pm. We switched our turns so that I could get my hair done, one could be done with her make up and one with her costume. Then the last switch and we all were done with our costume, hair and makeup. By then, it was 5 o'clock in the evening. So we went down stairs on the stage. Our guru was there. We touched her feet. She gave her blessings saying that she proud of us and we can nail it. That she's sure that we can rock the stage. We worship the Lord of dance, Nataraj. Then wore the ghungroos.

Photographer came to take our photos. Videographer was constantly shooting us. We posed for the photos individually, with guru and then with our parents. Mom and dad were so overwhelmed, happiness was overflowing from their faces. And I was in the different trance.. different world.. nervousness.. excitement.. confidence.. the feeling of completion of my biggest dream till now.. the awaited moment was already came.. and I was finally going to perform on that stage. It's not like I hadn't performed before on the stage, but this program was really very important for my dance career.

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