31. Wedding

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  " The real act of marriage takes place
  in the heart, not in the ballroom or
  Church or synagogue. It's a choice
  you make – not just on your wedding
  day, but over and over again – and
  that choice is reflected in the way you
  treat your partner."
                                 – Barbara de Angelis

  Trisha's POV

  Take a deep breath.. take a deep breath.. inhale.. exhale.. inhale.. exhale.. calm down.. close your eyes, take a deep breath and calm down..

  I was sitting in the bride's room, in front of the dressing table, looking in the mirror, trying to calm myself down while getting ready. Ira, Kriya and Ovee were helping me getting ready with the help of my hair-makeup-dress artist, Isha, and of course, trying to calm me down.

  " Chill Tris.. everything's gonna be fine." Ovee tried to convince me while plopping beside my chair. " Yeah, why are you being a nervous Nellie! You're looking gorgeous." Kriya said, placing a beautiful gold necklace around my neck.

  " I'm not being a nervous Nellie." I defended myself but the truth was I was really nervous. After all it was my wedding day! A big day of my life! A new chapter! New world where I've to get adjusted.

  " Yeah of course." Ira said sarcastically. She was helping Isha clearing up everything. I rolled my eyes. " Anyway, I–" I got cut by a knock on the door, and in came my cousin, Meera. " Guys, it's time. Come Tris," she came and placed her hands on my shoulder, smiling at me.

  " We'll be outside Trissieee," Kriya said as those three bitches started walking towards the door. I took a final deep breath and nodded. " He's looking damn handsome. I just saw him. Lucky girl!" She winked at me, causing me to blush.

  Meera walked by my side and we came out in the hall. I was wearing a beautiful azure coloured saree with gold jewellery. I sat beside dad. In front of us were sitting his parents. His father first gave me a coconut and then his mother gave me five types of fruit, rice grains. Meera tied a garland around my forehead and neck. Then his sister gave me a saree from the groom's side. We got up and I gave everything which I had received to Meera. Our parents walked aside as he came. I looked at him. He was wearing a blue kurta and off white dhoti. He was actually looking hot. Our eyes held each other and he winked at me, smiling handsomely. I looked down, blushing.

   We stood in front of each other. We cupped our hands as he placed his on top of mine and my dad's on his, while my mom was pouring water slowly on Dad's hands and the priest was holding a silver dish under my hands. It's called Kanyadana where bride's parents devolve their daughter to the groom. I held back a sob and sniffled slightly. I think he noticed that and gave more pressure on my hands. I looked at him and he smiled reassuringly.

  After that, we sat down in the same position. I tied a turmeric stick to his wrist. It resembles to the propagation. And the scientific reason is that turmeric is good for blood circulation. He also tied it to me. The priest then told him to take a seat beside me.

  He sat beside me and the priest gave him the mangalsutra. An elegant necklace of black and golden beads, with two small gold cup shaped thing. This is the symbol of a married woman. Oh God! I can't believe this! He placed it around my neck. A small smile found its way on my face.

  My cousin Siddharth a.k.a Sid came and sit. In front of us, was hoam – a square pot in which wood burns which causes fire.. like a small bonfire in a pot. Sid gave me some rice grains. We stood up and together we poured it in the hoam pot, his hand holding mine. After that, Sid went towards him and twisted his right ear, to warn him that I am a very precious person and if he didn't took care of me, Sid is the one to whom he'll have to face. I giggled, seeing his face. He grinned and promised of taking care of me. Then Sid gave him a gift.

  We stood again. It was the time for Saptapadi where we had to exchange seven vows. There were seven rice heaps in a row. He placed one of his hand on my shoulder and one took in his another. He led me to the first rice heap where I placed my right foot on it. The first vow : Groom promises - You'll offer me food and be helpful in every way. I'll cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children. The Bride complies - I'm responsible for the home and all household, food and finance responsibilities.
I placed my foot on the second heap. The second vow : Groom - Together we will protect our house and children. Bride - I'll be by your side as your courage and strength. I'll rejoice in your happiness. In return, you'll love me solely.
I put my foot on the third heap. The third vow : Groom - May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for education of our children and may our children live long.  Bride - I'll love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband. Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste.
I put my foot on the fourth heap. The fourth vow : Groom - You have brought sacredness into my life and have completed me. May we be blessed with noble and obedient children.  Bride - I'll shower you with joy, from head to toe. I'll strive to please you in every way I can.
I placed my foot on the fifth heap. The fifth vow : Groom - You're my best friend and staunchest well wisher. You have come into my life, enriching it. God bless you.  Bride - I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness is my happiness. Your sorrow is mine. I'll trust and honor you and will strive to fulfill all your wishes.
I took sixth step. The sixth vow : Groom - You've filled my heart with immense happiness. Will you do the kindness of filling my heart with happiness like this for all times? Bride - I'll always be by your side.
And I took the last step. The seventh vow : Groom - We are now husband and wife, and are one. You're mine and I'm yours for eternity. Bride - As God is witness, I am now your wife. We'll love, honor and cherish each other forever.

After taking seven vows, we exchanged the garlands by placing them in each other's necks.

  Now, it was the time for the feast. We all headed towards the dining hall. When I sat beside him, my eyes filled with tears. It was all real. We were now married couple. I looked at him. He looked back and smiled, placing his left hand on my back. I smiled back. We fed the first morsels to each other. And then began to eat the feast. All were our favourite dishes.

  After filling our stomachs, we came back on the stage where all the guests were coming to congratulate us, to wish us. We were receiving their blessings and gifts. After some time, when we got some free time, we started chatting with each other, when,

  " Congratulations,"
We turned to look at the guest.

  " Thank you man," He accepted the gift.

  " You are a very lucky guy that she is your wife. Take care of her."

  " Yes, I am. Thank you. I will." He smiled, handshaking.

  " Congratulations Trisha,"
I took the bouquet and taking a deep breath, smiled.

  " Thank you... Ved."

  Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! What happened just now!

  Hey guys, I know it's a surprise. I mean a shock. I mean a shocking surprise. Well well well, hope you like it. I have deliberately write the rituals in detail. It's Indian wedding after all. Very less foreigners know about the Indian weddings.

  Hope you like it. Enjoy. Tell me how it is. And if you like, then please vote. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas


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