4. Hey, What's up.....!!!

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Trisha's POV

  "But, Can't you come with a better one?" I asks irritably.

  "Oh, you don't like it?" He asks innocently.

  "Do you really think I will like it?"

  "I am so sorry for your disappointment sweetheart!"

  "Come on, you will get used to it."

  "Yeah, we had also got used to it... after some days."

  " Are you serious, Lara? It's very lame!"

  "Which will give you fame"

  "Come with a better one, Sushant,"

  "Yeah dude, that's pretty lame.."

  "Pch.. guys shut up.. both of you.... and my pretty Shortcake, you can take it as your welcome gift.." He winks.

So, if you still haven't gotten, let me tell you. Ved, the most taciturn person,my neighbor, a secretive guy, has given me a nickname.... SHORTCAKE!!! Yeah, don't ask me why, as my temper is out of control. I know my height is not that good..ok, I accept that I am a petite girl.. what's a big deal?? But there is a Big Deal.. cause this idiot has given me a nickname... Shortcake.

  Ok so from start, we were playing cards. You know the game 'Oh Hell'? Yeah, so we were playing that. There's only me, Shriya, Lara, Sid And Anand. Ved was not there, thank God. He always win this game. You know his judgements are really good,no really, I mean it, appreciable. And his best competitor is always me. So the situation is always like a game of ' tug of war.' Anyways, move to that game, and I was going to win but suddenly, I don't know how, Ved appeared and started playing from Sid's side. And guess what, I lose. Again. He grinned at me mischievously.

  "Hey, What's up.. Shortcake?" He winks. Stressing the last word.

  "Shortcake?" I frown.

  "Your new sweet nickname my dear... Shortcake!"

  " And can you give me a convincing reason for giving me this nickname?"

  "Of course. I can give you 2 reasons for it."


  " So, the 1st reason is," he said showing 1, " I had given all of these guys nicknames, you know it's good if you can call someone what you want to rather than by his real name."
"And 2ndly, this nickname suits you properly as you are a cute sweet little petite girl." He said innocently.

  " Ok. I got the first reason, but I am not really like the second one. I know I am short. You don't have to remind me by calling this."

  "Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just that this name is really sweet. Besides that, according to a survey, it's  proved that, Tall guys like Short girls and Short guys also like Short girls. Which means you have that advantage." He gives me a short assuring smile, eyebrow arched, which really convince me.

And now, you can join the first conversation with this.

  "Thanks." I said, sarcastically, placing my right palm on my heart," I am touched." With Bambi eyes.

  "Your most welcome... sweetheart"

  "Ohh, I thought you'll call me by this new nickname you have given me."

  "Nah," He said, stretching the word, "It is for others, for me, it's sweetheart." He winks again.  Ohh, why is he like this! I have already flattered on his perfectly arched eyebrow and now this million dollar wink. Ugh, Trisha, get a hold on yourself.

  "So everyone here must have been given their nicknames.. what are they?" I asks curiously, besides that it is necessary to change the topic.

  "Larry Parry"

  " Shirdy"

  " Sush"


I bursts in laugh. I was so laughing that at the end I needs to gasp for the oxygen. I feels that Ved's staring at me. Suddenly our eyes met. He stares at me for some more seconds and then shook his head and looks away.

Leaving me a question behind.. why he was staring me with those expressions? There was something he wanted to say. But what? He wasn't looking at me with his normal look. There's something different. What?

Hey guys, I know I am late. And sorry for that. But finally I have updated the chapter. Enjoy it. Love you all. ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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