27. Yes

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Trisha's POV

" So?" Grandma asked, with high expectations in her eyes.

" What's your saying, Tris?" Grandpa was sitting beside me.

The whole attention was getting to me, from my parents and grandparents. Yes! My grandparents have came to our house, especially for that. To know my take on this.

" Umm.." I tried to think but my mind was in full chaos. After all it was a big decision. And of course I hadn't expected that.

" I know this is a big decision. You take your time, think about it and then tell your decision, okay?" Dad put his hand on mine. " I agree, sweetie." Mom said and gave a reassuring smile.

" Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Mom. I'm.. in my room, then." I gave them a smile and went upstairs.

The whole situation was unexpected. I knew this will come early or lately. And I was ready for that too. I was mature enough to take this decision. Rather only I have the right to take this decision. I think and rethink about it.

I still wasn't believing that he asked for marriage. I mean, there were so many options for him. Then why did he chose me? There are pale, tall, skinny, beautiful like a model type girls than me. I was a petite girl having a warm silk skin tone and ordinary looks. Yeah, I have curves, not like I am fat, but still not skinny.

And on the other hand, he's, handsome, muscular, chiselled, of course tall than me, dimple faced, with a million dollar smile, a beige complexion and chocolate brown eyes, a successful person who can get any model girl.

I was of course delighted knowing that he wants to marry me. But I had to ask him the reason behind it. I had to know what he actually thinks about me.


I went downstairs. All were sitting in the living room. They turned to look at me when I came and sit on a sofa.

" Mom, Dad, I haven't decided what's my decision, but I think I want to ask some things to him."

" I don't know what do you wanna ask, but you've taken a good decision. Go ahead!" Dad supported.

" Thanks Dad, I'll ask him if he can meet me today." I took my phone and went outside to call him.

After second ring, he picked up the phone. " Hey, hi Trisha," His silvery voice came from the other side.

" Hi, are you busy?" I said nervously.

" No.. no, I am free for you anytime. Tell me, how am I lucky enough to hear this beautiful voice?" He asked in a husky tone.

I laughed nervously. " I wanted to meet you. I wanna talk to you 'bout something."

" What happened? Anything serious?" His became serious and concerned.

" No, no. Nothing serious." I quickly cleared his confusion.

" Then?" His voice became slightly light.

" I'll tell you that when we meet. Is it okay for you to meet me today evening?" I asked.

" Of course. Why not! Five in the evening at MacD? The one which is at Central Mall. "

" Sure," I smiled.

" Great, see you then... Listen, I'll call you later. I'm going for an important meeting."

" Okay, all the best!"

" Thanks!" He said wholeheartedly. "Bye,"

" Bye."

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