33. That One

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Trisha's POV

After that party when I met Aryan and the others, I felt like I have met people I know from the start. The moments that had shared were so special...

That evening, we were chatting with each other on mobile phone. We were starting to get to know each other better, talking as if we know each other from years.

Aryan : Hey, are you free this
weekend evening?

Me : Umm.. Yeah, I am. Why?

Aryan : It's my birthday. A small
birthday get together will be
at my home. Will you come? I
would like it if you will be

Me : Of course.. I would like to... But..
I don't know the other people..

Aryan : You know me. There will be
Priya and Ninad also. And
about the "other people", only
my close friends will be there
i.e 5.

Me : Oh.. umm.. Okay then. I will come.

Aryan : Really?! That's great! You
made me happy. So, you can
come around 6:30.

Me : Sure 👍

Aryan : I'll be waiting.

As per decided, I went to his place. I could see some people on the terrace. Going on the porch, I rang the doorbell. After a minute or so, the door opened and there he was, in a black washed jeans with bottle green sweatshirt. He was looking strikingly handsome.

"Trisha! Hi.. come." He greeted me with a toothy grin. I went inside, his gift in my hand.

"Everyone else are up in the terrace.." He said. I wished him and handed him the gift which he opened. Inside was the pair dancing in the globe.

"Wow! That's beautiful," He genuinely smiled.

"I thought this would be a good gift as we danced together on the day we first met." I said uncertainly.

"Well thought out gift, hun?" He smirked. I chuckled.

" There's a small switch like thing there. On it." He did as I said and a tune of a song started playing, the same tune of the song on which we had danced. I saw him surprised and he looked up, with a knowing smile.

"Perk of having some engineer friends." I shrugged with a smile. A friend of mine from my class has helped me with that.

"It's really nice. This is the thing which will always remind me of our first meeting. Thank you so much." He gave me a quick hug which I returned.

"Once again, Happy birthday."

We went up on the terrace. There were only few people as he had mentioned. His siblings, Priya and Ninad; and five more people whom I assumed to be his friends.

"Trisha! Hi, how are you?" Priya came and hugged me. I returned the hug. "Hi! I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you." She smiled.
Ninad came and hugged me while greeting.

"Guys, meet Trisha." Aryan introduced me to his friends. "Trisha, these are my best friends."

"Kevin?!" I exclaimed, looking at the brown headed, green eyed man, Kevin Mascarenhas. We both were in the same batch of the same Western Dance class. Kevin was Hindu/Christian who used to live in Goa at first, then he moved in to Pune. He was a very jolly, happy go lucky person with a cute, charming personality. We became really good friends in no time. He was a Fashion Photographer, and was a very good dancer as well.

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