26. Goal!

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Trisha's POV

After that day, I had to avert my mind somewhere else. I started focussing fully on my main goal... My aim... My ambition... My dance. I had to focus on my career. So I started practicing harder. My schedule was fixed. My morning used to start at five am with a glass of warm water and a teaspoon honey. Then at half past five, I started going on the nearby hill for running and some exercises. Coming at half past six, I start getting ready for the college. After spending time in college till two o'clock, coming home. Then, watching TV for one hour. After that, studying for three hours. At six o'clock, going for the dance class for three hours of vigorous practice. Then coming home, having dinner, chatting with parents and then sleeping at eleven o'clock. Of course, I gave my time to my friends, too.

On the parallel, my studies were going great. I was taking my graduation in psychology and dance, both, simultaneously. After that, I took post graduation in both the subjects. And started researching for PhD in dance. I applied for the PhD in dance studies at University of Mumbai, New York University and University of California Berkeley.

I was now twenty two years old. One day I was sitting in the living room, reading a book when a postman dropped a letter in the letter box. I went outside to take the letter as I was expecting it from the universities. It was a letter from NYU. I consciously opened the letter. There was the symbol of NYU. I started reading the mail.


Dear Miss Joshi,

Congratulations and welcome to the Performing Arts Program at the New York University. I am pleased to advise that you will be admitted to the PhD program beginning September, 1.

You are joining a very distinguished group of PhD students! You are to be congratulated on the personal and academic achievements that have brought you this far in your career.

We encourage you to be in contact with us between now and September.

The other details were written there. I carefully read each and every instructions.

We look forward to meeting you in September and to developing with you a sound partnership in teaching and learning for your future.

Yours truly,
*** ***, PhD
NYU office,

I was so happy, excited. I ran upstairs in the study room where mom was sitting with book. I sprinted towards her.

"Mom, mom, mom! Look at this!" I held the letter in front of her.

"What's this?" She asked, putting the book aside and taking the letter.

" Letter from NYU. Finally!" I slumped on a chair beside her.
She read the letter, a smile formed on her round. " Great! Congratulations sweetie! I'm so happy for you. Finally you got the admission where you wanted to. You're dying for it." She took my hand and smiled.

"I know, right. I'm happy, too. Didn't thought, I'll get the admission. Yeyy!" I sighed contentedly.

"It's definitely a time for celebration, isn't it? Go. Call Dad and tell him this good news. He'll be so proud of you! And don't forget to tell him to bring the ice cream, ok?"

"Yup.. I'll call him." I went downstairs to call Dad. He was going to be so happy. He knew I'll get the admission.

And that's what happened. He was so happy, so overwhelming, so excited; It made me even more happy.

After a month, I left for New York. My cousin sister was living there. I was going to live with her. After the two hours journey, I was standing outside of the airport. Alina, my cousin was waiting for me. God! After almost five years, I was seeing her.. I went to her and we hugged tightly.

" Trissieee... I'm so happy you're here.." She enthusiastically said. "How're you?" Asking, finally pulled back.

"I'm good, thanks. How're you?" I smiled back. I'm so happy seeing her again.

"Great! After five freaking years, Tris! I was telling you to come here, wasn't I? And see, finally you're here."
She said, as we went towards her car.

"Yeah, finally. But I had promised you. And I kept it." We reached near her car.

"You'll love it, here, I'm telling you. NYU is great for your dance future." She took my luggage to put it in the car.

"Yeah, I hope so." I sighed. " How's uncle, aunt?" I asked as we sat inside.

"They're good. We'll go to meet them as soon as we dump the luggage." She started the car and we leaved.

We were meeting each other after five years, so there were so many things to talk about, that I didn't even realize when we reached.

The house was beautiful. Three floors, hall and kitchen on the first floor, guest room and living room on the second floor and her room with a small terrace attached on the second floor.

"Feel free. If you want something, don't ask, just take it. Now, take a wash and get ready. We have to go, right? Mom's gonna make lunch. She's very excited. Dad and Neel are also keen to see you. Neel is really wanted to meet you, after all he's much younger before.." She kept talking excitedly.

After a few minutes, we reached there. The house was quite large with a big garden, full of vegetables, fruits and flowers, a beautiful foundation in the middle of it. A parking lot on the left side. We walked towards the door and rang the doorbell. In a few minutes, the door opened. Aunt was standing there. A broad smile on her pale oval face.

" Oh, Tris!" She hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her, grinning widely. " Come inside,"

We went inside. I looked around. It was big with a decent interior design.

" Ah Trisha! How're you?" Uncle came in the hall, wide grin on his face. " I'm fine, how're you?" I asked giving him a side hug. " I am good. Waiting for you to come here."

" And look, I'm here." I chuckled, gesturing.

It was a good time. We all were craving for meeting. I enjoyed each and every moment. The next day, Alina took me to show the famous places of NY. I met her boyfriend Fred Smith. We took our lunch together. The following day, I went to the University to complete some formalities. And my journey towards goal began...


Five years passed...

" It was mesmerizing Trisha,"

" You were too good, Trisha,"

" I'm so proud of you, dear,"

" I knew, you would nail it,"

" Trisha ma'am, you were superb!"

" Thank you,"

" I can't believe this, Tris, you've achieved this big level. I knew it, I knew you would be a well known choreographer."

" Thanks, mom" I hugged her.

After whole five years, I have achieved my goal.. my dream.. I was back in India and was professionally settled now..

Hey guys, I am back and I am right here, so those who wanna curse me..
Don't waste your energy.

So, here's your chapter. I know I am too late but I was so much busy. But still, I am sorry. Hope you like it. Please vote and comment if you like it and if you wanna give any suggestions. You're most welcome. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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