5. Trishved ..

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  Trisha's POV

" Look, who's coming?"

"Hi Ved"

"Shriya, what's wrong with you? Don't call him like that. Tris would feel so bad. She'll be angry." Lara said sarcastically.

"Why would I'll feel bad?"

"Oh, Tris, he is all yours. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Shri apologies dramatically.

" Shut up, both of you. You know we are just friends. It's nothing like what you are thinking." I said.

" Hey guys what's up?" Ved greeted us smiling. " Hi sweetheart!"

" Whoo.. Sweetheart and all hn!"

"What?" Ved said, with a blank face.

" Nothing. Ved, it's nothing. They are blabbering shit."

" You don't have to overreact, Trishved!"
Lara said casually.

"Trishved," me and Ved said, unison.

"Yeah, Trisha + Ved = Trishved" Shriya said, looking happy with her new word creation.

I mean seriously, Trishved? Couldn't someone come with any good, productive, useful ideas? No. Because all are very much busy in a desperately important work. Match making. Yeah, and currently I am standing in front of the most workaholic people, my friends, Lara and Shriya. I mean, why? From all over the world, why Ved? Really, is my choice that bad? Uh, yeah,ok, fine. I accept that he is handsome. His auburn eyes, brownish black hair, perfectly arched eyebrow, heart melting smile, his million dollar wink, his secretive smirk, his attitude... but from all of this good things, nobody on the earth is perfect. His secretive, taciturn behavior, irritating nature can quote that Moon does have blotches also. But the thing is, one should find that blotched moon also beautiful. It's just that I was getting confused about his nature. So I decided to give this all crap some time.

"Uh, you are an exceptional antic piece which God has certainly forgotten accidentally in this planet." Ved said disgustingly and apparently pulling me from my world of thoughts. Sometimes I feel that I think probably more than I should.

" Seriously, I mean, why makes you think that we - Ved and me, will be together? Come on, my choice can't be that bad." I said, not looking at him, controlling the urge to laugh.

I saw him staring with a disgusting look at me by my right eye sight. He was giving me the 'what do you mean by that bad' look. It was so hard to keep my mouth shut from laughing.

" Guys, come on, you are neighbors and not just normal neighbors but you live in that houses which are interlinked in each other. You both are perfect for each other. Ved,you call her sweetheart. You both have perfect bonding with your families. You both have same tastes.. ok.. almost same. So-" Lara said but immediately cut by Ved.

"So? Did you see us behaving like that, anytime? No. Then?"

"Look, I hope you will understand and stop it." I said.

" Nop." Both said unison.

" Ugh, who are we trying to tell this? Let them be, sweetheart. Anyways, I am going on the hill. Anyone is interested joining me?" Ved said.

"No." We all three girls said in unison.

He shook his head in disappointment. " Idle ladies, for God's sake, do some exercises or you will be fatties, soon."

" Just shut up." Is the only thing we three said.

"Whatever, bye." He said and went.


I saw his silhouette vanishing from my sight. And suddenly I felt sad. I don't know why this thing affected me. It's like I never wanted him to go. Maybe I wanted to go with him, but it's too late now. Maybe I should learn to express my thoughts. But I don't know what makes me tongue tied whenever he comes in front of me. It's not like we are in a very complicated relationship which do not have any specific name, we are just friends right? Just friends, aren't we? But, then why he always give me that looks? What does that wink which he only gives me, mean? The thought of being with him in a relationship, makes me shudder. I don't even know him well enough. He's always been a secretive guy who's taciturn most of the time and when he speaks, it's either a mysterious line or an annoying punch line. He never talked about his early life or his personal life.. you know what I mean.

I shook my head and tried to erase the thoughts. What am I thinking? Come on Trisha, you are not a desperate girl. Get a freaking control on yourself Trisha.

Hey guys, hiii. I know, I know I am very late but at the end you can have a good chapter to read. I have been working on their couple name. Seriously it was so tiring for my mental health. So give me some sympathy please. Anyway I hope you like it. Please tell me how it is and please vote for me. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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