6. You Are Screwed!!

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Trisha's POV

After doing vigorous dance practice of continuous six hours, I was coming from my dance class to home. The distance between the dance class and home is only of twenty minutes so I decided to take a walk. It was eight o'clock in the evening and the route was very quiet. Very few people were there. I was walking, headphones in my ears, listening 'only hope' by Mandy Moore.

Suddenly a group of two-three boys came, talking, oh correction - clamouring from their top of their navel. They were looking like roadside Romeos, may be drunk for they were swinging and looking dizzy. I wasn't feeling well as there was no one besides me and that group. I was going quiet, looking straight, very consciously. No shame telling that I was completely scared. My heart was pounding and I had a feeling that something's going to happen, and it won't be good, definitely. I was praying to God so loudly in my mind. But it seemed of no use because I felt that some pairs of eyes were staring at me greedily. And at that point, I felt so helpless. They were chuckling cruelly. They started commenting, singing on me, my body, saying vulgar, slang words, whistling. I gave them an angry glance. But no use.

I gather some gumption. " What the hell is your problem. Bloody Bastards. Mind your f***ing own business and get the hell out of here. " I screamed, but I heard my voice shook a little bit.

One of them laughed loudly, " We are minding our own f***ing business. Do you have any problem?" He said, stressing on the F- word.

I felt so angry but helpless. They were drunk, so there's no use of arguing with them. I should've listen to Dad about going to the Karate class.

" Angry young hottie, Whoo... come here babe.." Another guy said, gripping my shoulder.

" Don't you dare or I'll sue you all." I tried to threat them as I backed off giving a jerk. My right sleeve of the top tore up as I jerked and..

" Shortcake?"

I spin as I heard a very familiar voice. It was very difficult to believe. He was standing there. Suspicious look on his handsome face. His body was stiffened. He was coming from his guitar class, his black guitar case was hanging on his back. Same messy hair, Same hypnotizing eyes but there's a concern for me which was obviously new for me.

I felt so relieved at that time that I run towards him and hugged him tightly without even thinking. He got surprised but just for seconds and surprisingly he hugged me back. It was a warm, consoling hug. I immediately smelled his Cologne. I let my tears fell which I was holding from a long time. He caressed my hair gently. I could feel from hug, he was staring furiously to them. His body was still stiffen. I backed off slightly.

" Man you have no idea whose path you have crossed. " His voice was intimidating. " You are screwed." He said, as he smirked.

There was three different expressions. Intimidating face of Ved, shocked of mine and last but not the least, the frightened look on that boys who were going to faint in couple of minutes.

They took a step backward as he stepped forward.

" Dude, we have no hostility with you. It's our matter so just stay out of it. Why are you defending her? Why are you making yourself endangered? It's non of your business." The third boy said warily.

" I was thinking I should commiserate you and let you go till now. But, not now. I am defending her because it is my business. Her problem is my problem. It would have been better if you have got that in the first place. " He snort.

" Ved, leave it. We don't want a fight. Let's just go. " I pleaded him, not wanting to create a scene. Actually I was concerned about another thing. I was concerned about him. No, I was feeling sad for them. It's just that I didn't want a matter.

" Just trust me sweetheart," was only he said, going closer to that boy. He tightly hold his collar and punch him. He felt on the ground, holding his broken nose. And then, punches over punches over again and again. In a few minutes, all three were lying on the ground clutching their broken body parts, groaning.

" Men like you deserve only this. Girls get scared to go outside after seven pm only because of you. Better you all stay out of any girl. Or you know what can I do." Ved warned them. They nod and went toddling.

Ved turned to face me. We were looking in each other's eyes. There was still a concerning look in his auburn eyes. He came closer to me. He removed his black leather jacket and covered me. His Cologne went in my nostrils. Wow, what a pleasant smell! His jacket was so big for me that I was looking like a scarecrow.
But that wasn't affecting me. Because my whole mind was filled with his Cologne.

"Thank you." I said, avoiding his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you were on time." I said, trying to release the tensed environment.

He chuckled, " Yeah, Come let's go home." He said, sighing.

" Sure, let's go."

We reached in our colony. I was thinking about his jacket. What will mom say if she notice this? What should I tell her? What if she sees my top? As if he read my thoughts, he said, " You can keep it with you. Give it to me tomorrow."

" Thanks. But what if mom asks about it?"

" We met, there's cold outside, you were freezing, so I gave you my jacket." He said, his eyebrow was raised. He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile.

Hey guys, I am sure you are going to love this chapter. It's very interesting. And probably the lengthiest part till now. Enjoy. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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