32. New Life

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         I close the door to the past,
        Open the door to the future,
        Take a deep breath,
        Step on through and
        Start a new chapter in my life.
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Trisha's POV

Aryan, my husband.. my life partner.. my better half..

Actually my friend. No. My bestest male friend ever. We first met at his for his parent's 22nd wedding anniversary party. I was attending it with my parents as my Dad had constructed and made the designs and interior of it. We have had special invitation from The Bapat family. Both of our fathers were now good friends.

" Avinash! Welcome, Welcome!" A middle aged man, which I immediately guessed, Mr. Arnav Bapat, welcomed us by giving dad a manly hug. " Hello Arnav! Congratulations!" Dad greeted. "Thank you." Mr. Bapat grinned. He was still looking much younger and handsome for his age. A woman in a beautiful georgette saree came towards us, smiling beautifully. There was a glow on her face. " Hello Avinash! Thanks for coming." She shakes dad's hand. I think, they were now on first name terms as the mansion project took a month. "Hello Nileema! We had to come, after all you have personally invited us." Dad said.
" I would like to introduce my better half, Anandi and my lovely daughter, Trisha." He introduced us.

"Thanks for having you here. I was really looking forward to meet you both. Trisha, I have heard a lot about you from your father. I am really proud of you for being successful in a small time." Mrs. Bapat hugged us both. " Thank you Mrs. Bapat." I smiled politely. " Oh.. call me Nileema auntie, dear." She said, touching my arm.

" I would also like to introduce my children." Arnav uncle turned to look for their children in the party. "Aryan, Priya, Ninad, come hear, please." He called them. I looked past him to see them. As they started coming near us, I could see the two boys and a girl. She was a brunette, wearing a red elegant cocktail dress with high heels, a bracelet, a beautiful pair of earrings and a nice suitable makeup. The guy on her right side was younger compared to the guy on her left side. He was wearing a full sleeved white T-shirt paired with washed black jeans. His hair, jelled back and he was really looking attractive as the girls in the party wanted his attention. And the second guy, with handsome features, messy hair, was wearing a white T-shirt with a black formal jacket on top of it. He has brown chocolate eyes, straight nose, chiselled jaw, thin lips and big eyelashes which were looking perfect. How can a boy have big eyelashes like a girl? But it was still giving him the handsomeness, manliness. How's that even possible!?

They walked towards us. A polite smile on all of their faces. " This is my beautiful daughter, Priya.." He introduced his daughter.

  " Hello.. hey, you must be Trisha, right? I've heard a lot about you. Finally we're meeting." She gave me a hug, looking genuinely interested. I instantly liked her. " You're a professional dancer, dad said. And a psychologist too. Wow! That's amazing." She was like a tornado. Very talkative and enthusiastic, bubbly. "Thank you, I've also heard that you're a fashion designer. That's really cool." I grinned. " Thanks."

  " This is my younger son, Ninad. A Badminton Champion." He said with a wide grin. " Hi Anandi auntie.. Hi Trisha, glad to meet you." We shook our hands. He was really friendly guy. I felt like I am meeting my brother. I have no siblings so it felt special. " Hi, Ninad." " You know, I always wanted a big sister and I think I'm getting her." He gave a charming smile. " You know, I too, always wanted a small brother and I think I'm getting him." I giggled, copying his tone, with a genuine smile. " Then we are now," He came beside me and flung his right hand on my shoulder. I laughed and shook my head.

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