8. Who is she?

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Trisha's POV

" Man, give my phone back."

" Ha... do you really think I will give it back to you?"

" There's no stuff which you can find interesting, Give it to me."

" C'mon, he will give it to you after some time. Chill,"

"And if there's nothing in your phone, why are you taking these much efforts?"

"Ugh! You are not going to give me my phone, are you?" He said irritably.

This scene was going on for ten whole minutes since Anand have taken Ved's 'more than precious for him' phone. Both were too much stubborn for receding. We all - Shriya, Lara, Sushant and I were watching all this scene. The only lacking was some buckets of popcorns and cans of coke. Believe me, it was that entertaining. Both were making deals for getting back the phone and for giving the phone. And both were denying each other's deals.

Actually all this started when we were talking about random stuff. Uh..sorry.. correction..not 'we', Anand, Sushant, Shriya, Lara and I. If you haven't got anything till now, only Ved was not talking. He was physically there but not mentally present with us. We were in our regular hang out place, in a ruins of a bungalow in our lane. No one comes there as there wasn't anything to see as such. But we loved that place as no one can be there to disturb us. So, back to the point, he was leaning on wall, eyes were constantly stitched with his phone screen. It seemed like he was typing something so fast. There was a usual smirk on his face but it was warm than ever. It was new for me though. We were asking him what's going on but there was only one word we could receive from him and that was ' nothing '. Ugh, typical Ved. Taciturn one! Then there was Anand who came towards him quietly and snatch his phone from his hands.

We were desperately agog to read whatever there in his phone. He startled for a second but then ' this scene ' started. And now here we are.

" Dude, you are very smart." Anand said, mischievously.

Ved narrowed his brown eyes. Both were staring at each other. Taking this opportunity as an advantage, I quickly snatched the phone and looked at the screen. The screen was showing a long, and when I mean long, actually long conversation with a girl named Riya. Now I could feel the two pairs of eyes staring at me. Ved tried to snatch it back but I purposely took my hand close to my chest in which I have his phone. No need to tell, he took his hand back.

" Tris, please just give me my phone." He said, trying to remain as much politely he can plead as he can.

But I simply denied his request by saying just one word.

" Nope."

" Ugh! Not you now, please," he was trying so hard to control his short temper. It was so tempting to test his temper.

I know, sounds cruel, right?

But I was so unable to control my temptation. He was looking more handsome even in this mood.

" What do I do to get my phone back?" He finally backed off. I really wasn't expecting this. I thought he will snatch it using his muscle power or will throw a pick up line to make me a dumbfounded girl that will make me give his phone back. But he was actually doing nothing. That was surprising for me.

But I took it as my one and only chance I have got so easily.

" On only one condition I will give your phone back." I said, trying to get a hold on my emotions of curiosity.

"What?" He said desperately.

" Just tell me who is she.." I said. I wasn't actually curious but.. I don't know, that feeling or emotions which were overwhelming to acknowledge that bitch who was flirting with him. I desperately wanted to know who she is. Just saying this, I felt that I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I wasn't want to care much or.. maybe I, I wasn't ready to listen his answer. I don't know why but I was thinking that what I am thinking is maybe true. In that case, I didn't want to listen his reply. Maybe I was over thinking, maybe it's nothing like what I was thinking.

But why the hell on the earth I am feeling like this? Why I am thinking about this? Why should I care? Why I want to know who she is? WHY?

" Oh, sh-she is, she is Riya." He said, slowly.

" I know, I can read. But who is Riya?" I said. Again. Why do I want to know? But.. now I can't take my words back. Still..

" She is in my college -" He said, scratching his neck. " - from two years. We have become friends. She is giving me the looks like she is interested in me. And you know, I should move on, right? All girls can't be like Ankita, right?" He said, wanting my reply, with expectations in his brown eyes.

But I could say only this.

" Hmm." I gave his phone back, humming in a flat tone.

" I-I gotta go. Have to do some homework. See you tomorrow? Bye." I said, suddenly, turning after some seconds. I didn't wait for the reply and went straight towards my home.


Making myself locked up in my bedroom, I was lying on my bed, stuffing my face in a pillow. My body was shivering. Sobs were coming from my mouth. My face and apparently my pillow was soaked with my tears. I was languished. My mind was totally unable to think. There was only one face coming across my closed eyes-Ved's. And his last words were prowling like a lost bird in my mind.

' maybe I should move on...'

I should have been happy for him. He's my friend. He was finally getting out from his ' every single female is selfish and dumb his partner ' thought. It was a good thing for a friend to know her friend is trying to change his thoughts about girls.

But the fact was I wasn't happy.

Heck! Darn it!

I Was Not Happy! Why???

I was broken inside. I don't know why, but I surely was not contented.

I don't know for how long, I was in my room. Maybe for one hour, two hour, three, I had no idea. Mom had called me for dinner minimum ten times. Asked me what's wrong. But I didn't respond. I am sure she have understood that I wanted to be alone. There was dark outside. It was maybe around ten o'clock.

I climbed out from the bed and faced in the mirror. It was stained by tears. My eyes were bloodshot. I definitely was not going to show my face like this to my parents. They are very sensitive for me, especially my dad. So I head towards the bathroom. Washing my face, I glanced at my reflection. It was better. I tried to smile and succeed in some sorts. Suddenly my stomach growled. I remembered that my tummy was empty and I have hardly eaten in the lunch. Coming out, I opened the door of the room and went in the kitchen. After some hunt, I finally got some grocery to make sandwiches and a tub of my favourite strawberry-vanilla ice cream. I made sandwiches and took it all in the living room. I switched on the TV and put the head phone. While eating sandwiches and the ice cream, I watched Fantastic 4 and some other action films to erase all thoughts about what happened.

All I wanted is to forget this.

Just forget what happened.

Just forget what I felt.

Hey guys, finally I got time to write this chapter. You will like it, I am sure. And advance sorry that I can't be able to update the next chapter due to my exams till the next week. But I promise, then I will write it and update it ASAP. Bye. See you soon. Please vote and comment. Your support really means to me. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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