7. I Want To Cherish The Good One..

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Trisha's POV

I couldn't sleep whole night. Twisting and turning on my bed, I was thinking about the incident. Those three devils, yeah devils, this name suits their frivolity. Their lusty eyes, comments, my useless intimidating, arrival of Ved, his concerned look, our hug, his caressing, the fight.. or you can say the one side fight, his jacket, its Cologne... his words were rotating in my mind like a rollercoaster ride, repeatedly. What did he say..

' I am defending her because it is my business. Her problem is my problem.'

What does that mean? What he was trying to say? He could leave me there. But he didn't. Yeah, I know, Humanity and all. But his concerned look? His caressing? I could feel the difference. That was something else. There's a saying that females have the six sense of touch, she can feel the intention by the touch. I was confused. But at the same time, I was feeling special. I was happy. I was happy that he was there. Ved was there for me. I smiled and closed the eyes. I don't know when I fell asleep.

Sunday morning and there was a new morning with new feelings. I woke up and the first thought that came in my mind was Ved. I smiled to myself. How stupid I am. He is my just a friend. He done that for humanity. I should be thankful to him and should definitely confess my gratitude. Yeah, that's it. I will.

I got up from the bed, folded the blanket, quickly went in the bathroom, brushed my teeth. I took a quick short while warm shower using my scented sandalwood soap and Shea cashmere shampoo. Wrapping my fluffy towel, I came out. Generally I didn't take much time to choose the outfit, but today I took twenty minutes to decide an outfit. I finally picked up a Jean shorts and a peach coloured, layered tank top. I wanted to look like a normal, sober but sweet girl rather than an overexcited bitch. I dried my wavy hair and combed it neatly, keeping them untied.

I went downstairs, mom and dad were on the breakfast table. There's an amazing odour of grilled sandwich was coming from the table. I sat down next to dad, facing mom.

" Good morning Tris," both greeted me with a sweet smile. I greeted back.

" Ready, this early morning! Do you have to go somewhere?" Mom asked, putting two sandwiches in my plate.

Typical eighteen plus girl's Indian curious mother..

"Ugh..yeah..no I mean actually I have to give this jacket to Ved. " I said as casually as I could say while taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Ohh. " Dad said," He is a very nice boy, isn't he? A gentleman." He said to mom.

" Of course, he is. He gave his jacket to her, though he was freezing too." Mom said, impressively.

" I think I should go now." I finished my last bite and stood up from my chair. " I'll be back soon."

" Ok. I'm leaving. Bye sweety." Dad called.

"Bye dad, have a nice day. " I said, waving my hand towards him and then went from the middle way where the staircase is.

I knocked two three times, but there was no response. I was disappointed. I was going to turn, but suddenly the door opened. Aunt was standing there. " Good morning, Trisha. You are here? Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to give this jacket to Ved." I said, as I was going to give it to her.

" Ohh. He is up there. You can go directly. I am sure he won't mind it." She winked. Now I can understand from where his wink come. She has beautiful hazel eyes and black hair.

And there he was. Ved came downstairs.

" Tris?" His face was confused.

" H- Hi. I wanna return your jacket." I said, showing him the jacket.

I thought he will take and will leave. So I made my mind that way. But, his words were surprising.

" Ohh, please come." He said, turning his back and starting to go upstairs. Oh, there is his room upstairs. I quietly followed him. He was in a black pajamas wearing a blue T-shirt with it. He looked more handsome in the morning.

" You are here, at this morning, to just give me this jacket? He exclaimed.

" Y- Yeah, actually I wanna thank you. I really appreciate it." I said.

" Ugh, you don't have to," He said, unlocking the door. He gestured me to enter inside. I followed. He came after me," If there was someone else, he would also did what I did. So it's just alright. "

"I hope I could say that. But it is unfortunately this is not true. We are with those people whom we can call as bystanders." I said, ardently. I looked up in his eyes. He gave me an apologetic sad smile. " I can understand. I am sorry." He muttered under his breath.

We were in his room now. I gave him his jacket. He took it and was putting it into the wardrobe. I glanced over his room. It was neatly arranged, all stuff was on its place. His room was the combination of cobalt blue and white colour. There's a small book shelf on a wall. A guitar stand on the right side of his bed. There's a study table in a corner and a wardrobe with a poster of Manchester United Football Team. There's a terrace in front of me, some pots were put on it.

Putting his jacket on its place, he turned to look at me. "I think we should forget this. I mean it is not a good memory, right? We can create good memories which we can cherish."

" Yeah, you are right. But there's a correction. I think we should forget half of the incident. I want to forget the bad part of it. But I want to cherish the good one." I said, giving a genuine smile.

"Good one?" His eyebrows furrowed.

" Yeah, in which, you came in the scene. From that till the end." I said, controlling my blush.

" Yeah, sure." A pink tinge formed on his cheek as he scratched his neck. A small smile was on the corner of his lips.

Hey guys, I have made this chapter a little casual but there are some situations which you'll find interesting. Enjoy. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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