2. New friends, New life

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Trisha's POV

Sunday. 7 o'clock. My morning started with melodious chirping of cuckoo. I loved the way my morning began as my house was surrounded by many trees, birds and natural beauty. Who will believe that in the city like Pune, there will be a place like this.

I was so excited for my new life that when I got out of my bed, I accidentally bang on the floor. Ow!! Good morning!! I stood up, trying to compose myself. After getting fresh, I went downstairs. A sweet odour was coming from the kitchen. Definitely mom was cooking something delicious. I quickly went there.

"Good morning Trisha," She said, putting a plate of shira. " Dear, you have to go to our neighbors after your breakfast and give them shira."

"Ok" was the only word I said. After I finished my food, I went to our neighbors.

I rang the doorbell, waiting curiously for the door to open. After a few minutes, door opened. I saw a guy, probably of my age, standing in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Trisha Joshi, your new neighbour." I said, putting a smile on my face.

"Who's there Ved?" A female voice and then a lady of mom's age came behind him.

So,the boy standing in front of me is Ved and the lady is his mother.

" You must be Trisha, newly arrived. Hi, I'm Shivani Gokhale. Nice to meet you." I stood there awkwardly and maybe she understood that. "Oh, why are you standing outside? Please come."

"Umm.. thank you.. This is for you." I said while going inside, referring to the bag in my hand, giving it to her. "Ohh, thank you so much. Please sit down. I'll just come." She said while going inside.

I sat down on a couch, looking around. The house was quite big and pleasant as the walls were of fresh colours. There was a LCD TV on a wall, a small book shelf with a beautiful vase on top of it.

Ved, he was sitting beside my right side couch heading in his phone. He was with brown eyes, black messy hair and has a warm beige skin tone. Frankly said, he was actually handsome. Trisha,what are you thinking! But, besides that, he had a quite secretive face. He was wearing  black sweatpants​ with a red jersey of Manchester United.

He looked at me, raising one eyebrow. I quickly turned to look away and saw his mom coming from the kitchen with a tray of 3 orange juice glasses.

" I hope you like it." She held me a glass. It was really nice. "Trisha, I would love if you and your parents came tomorrow evening for dinner here."

"Yeah, sure, I will tell mom. She'll definitely accept your offer. Thank you for the offer." I gave her my genuine smile.

Evening was great as I met others of my age. Shriya, a girl who knows what is in, what is out and what is the fresh gossip. Lara, a tall and studious girl with a witty behavior. Anand, a techno-savy boy but with some of pride, I think. Sushant, a sportsman, a flirt and funny guy. And last but not the least, Ved, you already know about him.

I loved all of them in the first place. However are they, I don't wanna lose them. All were nice with me. Shriya told me that I have a good fashion sense. Anand told me many things about my phone which were totally unknown for me. Sushant was flirting with me all the time. Lara was making fun of Sushant everytime. And Ved.... Huh, quiet, listening all of this for the whole time.

I don't know why he was like this. Yeah, for some time he chatted with Sushant and Anand about football and latest technologies. But then again, quiet.

He suddenly looked at me. My cheeks started burning and I can feel the redness was colouring my cheeks with embarrassment. But there wasn't that blank look on his face like first. He smirked which makes me look down on my feet.

The moment when he smirked from the corner of his lips, and you felt like all your body is melting like an ice on fire.

Hi guys, and first of all, I am very sorry for updating it so late. Hope you like it. Tell me how it is. ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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