12. Hopeless Moron..

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" Ever Tried. Ever Failed.
Tried Again. Failed Again.
Failed Better."
-- Samuel Beckett

Trisha's POV

I was avoiding him before the discussion I had with Emma. And now I was well aware that I was behaving like a complete idiot. I avoided him by not hanging out with friends as I was afraid he would be there. I actually changed my schedule for avoiding him. I started to go early than before and come late than before as our college timing was almost same. I started to put my window curtains closed as our rooms were in front of each other.

But how long I was going to avoid him?

Not so long Tris! Ultimately he is your fucking Boy Who Lives Next Door!!

My inner voice was right. There was no way I could avoid him more and I have agreed with Emma about that.

And I was going to face the situation.


Now, the time for the trials.. I took a deep breath and walked in the hallway where all of us, youngsters, were sitting on the couch, chairs and sofa, dishes in there hands, chatting, laughing.

We were in his house for a small get together of only us. His parents were out of town for a week so the whole house was his. We were eating pizza. We love pizza.

I have promised Emma that I will try to make a conversation with him. So I was going to try.

He was sitting on the couch and there was a space for one person only beside him. All other places were taken by others. I think they did that on purpose. I hadn't any option. So I sat beside him.

All the time I was quiet, thinking of how to start the conversation. I looked around and saw the empty coffee table. I was already thirsty and my throat was dry so I thought it was good idea.

" Ved"

But I could only hear a whisper which only I could hear. So I cleared my throat and tried to call him louder than before.

" Ved,"

He couldn't hear. He was busy talking about a football match with Anand.

Louder Tris, Louder..

" Ved,"

Yeah, this time I was quite louder to seek his attention. He finally turned to look at me.

" Yeah?" He asked with one eyebrow raising.

Ugh, I almost sighed.

" A glass of water.." I whispered, again.

Argh, why do I have to whisper everytime? I am a confident girl. I can easily talk with anybody. Then why not with him?.. Control Tris, get a hold on yourself.

Try again. I cleared my throat. It was already dry and I was making it more dry by clearing it again and again. I was really in need of a glass of water.

" I need some water.." I said politely but confidently.

" Oh, wait a minute," he said, raising on his feet. He went in the kitchen and came with some glasses in one hand and a jar in the other. He put it on the coffee table and gave me a glass of water. While I was taking it, our hands brushed slightly and a spark went in my body, making my toes clenched.

" Thanks," I said, controlling my urge to blush.

He gave me his heart warming smile with that dimple and start discussing about that match of football again with Anand.

And I was here..

cursing myself.. really? I spoke only this much? A glass of water? A freaking glass of water? What is happening to you, Tris? Where is your talkativeness? Where is that affable girl? Ugh! You are hopeless! You are completely gone case! A freaking hopeless gone case girl!

Yes! You are..


" Ok.. stop," I said.

" Stop what?"

" Stop that,"

" What am I doing?"

" Stop looking at me like that!"

" Oh, really?"

" Umm.. "

I was sitting in the college lawn with Emma beside me, looking at me as if I am some kind of hopeless moron.. yeah, but that was true.. I have told her about that glass of water situation and she was.. well..

" You know what, you are a hopeless moron,"

" I know,"

" You know, you had a great chance to make a good conversation,"

" I know,"

" And you know, you really ruined it,"

" I know,"

" A fucking glass of water?"

" I know,"

" Argh, stop saying ' I know ', ok? It's quite irritating."

" I know,"

" Ugh, you are a gone case,.. now don't say I know. "

" Ok, sorry,"

" So, what next? Umm, yeah, what happened, happened. It's ok. Good start. You have stepped one step towards your goal. We will go step by step. Now, try to make more natural conversations with him. I mean, your houses are attached, right? So, obviously you would meet in the staircase. Then, talk to him, start with asking him how was his day and make sure that you will stretch the conversation for at least thirty seconds, ok?"

" Umm.. Em?"

" Yeah?"

" I.. I gets tongue-tied in front of him. I can't think."

" Geesh, girl, be confident. And I know that you are. Try to be confident in front of him. Show him the real you. Not that other girl you tend to show others. Listen to me, I have been with many guys and some are my really good friends and as per my study, Boys like Confident Girls. Read my lips. Trust me. You are damn hot confident talkative babe. Any boy will die for you and your beauty, and I am saying not only your outer beauty but your inner beauty, your nice heart. Just show what you really are." She winked at me and I remembered his wink. I smiled and nodded confidently.

" Thanks Em,"

" Don't be so formal, bitch.. I am there for you any time," she said, giving me a tight hug."

" Aw, I love you too, bitch.." I said, grinning.

I really love her. She is completely different from me. I never expected to be her best friend but here we are..

Hi guys, this is the new chapter. Hope you like it. I really love Emma's character. It completely resembles to my one friend. This is for you, bitch!

My semester end is starting. Wish me luck! But I will try to publish next chapter ASAP. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas

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