34. Sorrys And Thank Yous

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Trisha's POV

Aryan and I had come to India for a few weeks. We both were missing our families, our friends, everything about India and the small things we have had for so many years. Our usual hangout spot, a book café. The streets we used to stroll around hand in hand. Our favourite food places. Our favourite places like Z bridge where we would stand overlooking the river and talking, a small hilltop where we used to sit and look at the sunset, Sinhagad fort where we used to go early in the morning in monsoon just to have onion bhaji and Pithla-Bhakri, the mini markets with almost everything for sell buzzing with so many people and many more. But what we were missing the most was our favourite Indian cuisines made by our parents.

We were going to gather as many more memories as we could in our vacation, even if we were not here for long.

One day, my parents invited all of us, my in-laws and us for the dinner. Mom and Dad had cooked Biryani & Rayta and my favourite Fruit Custard. After having dinner, we all were on the terrace, enjoying the cool night breeze and chatting. I looked around taking everything in. This place had given me a lot and there were many memories here. Before ending the night, I wanted to take a family picture with all of these amazing people in my life, who has always been there with me, for me. I reached for my phone, but it wasn't there. I looked around searching, maybe I left it downstairs.

"Hey, what happened?" Aryan asked in low voice, not disturbing others.

"I think I forgot my phone downstairs. I'll be back." He nodded and I went to grab my phone.

As expected it was downstairs, on the coffee table. Grabbing it, I opened the door and started climbing the common staircase of the twin bunglows. There're two fights of stairs. Just when I was turning for the second flight, I almost bumped into Ved. He lifted his eyebrows up a little in surprise but recovering he gave a small smile of recognition and muttered an apology as he started descending the stairs.

"Ved, wait!" I called before thinking. I wanted to have this conversation for a long time like mature adults. To clear things, to make things less awkward. He stopped and turned to look at me, hesitation in his eyes.

I looked at him. He has changed so much. That playfulness in his eyes has been replaced by seriousness. Stubble has grown on his clean shaved face. The laid back attitude has changed and I could feel the responsibleness in him.

We stared at each other. I smiled. "Hi,"

"Hi Trisha," He smiled warmly, still looking hesitant about why I stopped him.

"How are you?" I asked wanting to start a conversation.

"I am fine. How are you? How's everything?" There was something in his eyes as if he wanted to say something, many things.

"I am good. Everything's great! Settling in the U.S. finally." I smiled.

He stared at me contemplating over something and then said, "I.. I am sorry. I knew I shouldn't have done that. I wanted to come, I wanted to talk to you, really, I did. But.. I couldn't. I was too coward.. coward to accept my feelings, to accept these changes. I-I thought it's all bullshit. I was scared to be in a relationship. I used to think that it will.. it will bind me, it won't let me live my own life. But I was stupid to think like that. I didn't know what I was losing.. but I did.. when I saw you on the stage, married to Aryan, taking blessings with a joyous face. I was jealous at that point, of Aryan. Why wouldn't I? He has you with him. He is very lucky. I am really sorry, Trisha. I should've cleared things up.. I should've talked to you, should've replied to your messages, answered your calls.. but.. but I didn't. I wanted to tell you this for so long.. I wanted to tell you.. that.. that I loved you.." He poured everything, what he was feeling, experiencing, everything. And now he was looking at me, anticipating and being nervous about my reaction.

"I loved you too.. and will always love you, Ved." He looked at me with a shock. I smiled. "Why wouldn't I? Don't get me wrong, I do love Aryan, very much. After all, you do fall in love more than once, you can if you want to; but You're my first love, and you will always be. It's a fact and it won't change. And frankly, I don't want it to change either. It was a very special feeling and I experienced that feeling because of you. As a matter of fact, I should thank you for that. So, thank you so much Ved to make me feel those wonderful emotions, those beautiful feelings. You taught me to fall in love. So I want those beautiful days, those beautiful feelings to stay in a small part of my heart.

First love is very special, Ved. And you never forget it. In fact, you shouldn't even try to do that. Because no matter how much you try, it will be there, somewhere in your heart. So why not accept it, embrace it and move on? Many times we don't confess it only. But when we do that, you feel like a heavy baggage has lifted. And now that it's lifted, it's a very nice feeling. I would love to be able to talk to you freely, again.. to be your friend again. Because, each time I look at your photo on social medias, I don't want to shut down the window if I hear someone coming; I want to call you and share my happiness without feeling guilty; and I don't want to type a message for you but delete it without sending." I smiled looking at his smiling face. I chuckled. "Wow.. Ved.. if we wouldn't have spoken today, we would have lost our friendship as well." He nodded with a knowing smile.

"So... Mrs. Trisha Joshi-Bapat.. would you like to be my best friend.. again?" He held his hand out and his face broke in a full grin.

"I would love to," I took his hand, shaking it and smiling with a hope of beautiful friendship in the future.


"You look really happy and satisfied today. Was that an effect of the dinner?" Aryan asked. We were cuddling with each other while surfing the tv channels. He arched his eyebrow, knowing that it wasn't the real reason. So I gave him a 'you-know' look. "You met Ved?" He asked with a soft smile.

I nodded and laced my fingers with his. "Everything got cleared, Aryan. Everything, finally." I told him what happened in brief.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I am proud of you and I am really happy that you solved everything."

"Thank you, Jaan." I kissed him on the cheek and put my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, with a smile on my face.

Not everyone can marry their first love. But what's wrong even if your first love cannot be yours forever? That person is still in your life, as your friend, isn't it enough? It is said that - first love is true love. But who said that you fall in love only once?

Hey guys,

This was officially the last chapter of this book. I really hope you will love this chapter and the ending of this book.

This book has always been special for me. One, because it is my first book. Second, the story is very close to my heart and my life. And third, while writing it, I faced many vaeious kinds of situations in my life and learned a lot from them, which is reflecting in this book.

There won't be any epilogue and a sequel of Once Again. BUT, I am thinking of writing a smaller version of this story from VED'S POV. Let's see.


Onion bhaji :- Indian originated spicy snack, similar to crisp and crunchy fried fritters made with onions and gram flour.

Pithla-Bhakri :- Pithla is a yellow thick, semi-solid curry made with gram flour, water and some spices. It is accompanied by Bhakri, which is a flat bread, like tortilla, only made with millet flour or soprghum flour.

Biryani :- It is a dish of flavoured long grain rice with a lot of meat/eggs/vegetables and many exotic spices and herbs.

Raita :- An indian condiment made from Yogurt, mixed together with raw vegetables like cucumber/ fruits..etc.

That's all, guys. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please like, comment and share it if you liked it. And please tell me what you think about it. Enjoy. Love you all ;-) TheFlyingIdeas


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