20. Fantasy

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  Trisha's POV

  " So, is that final?" Manish uncle, Ved's father asked.

  " Yes, it is. So, this Friday to Sunday, we will leave at 5:30 in the morning." Dad stated.

  " It will be fun in Goa." Reva said enthusiastically with a wide grin. She was really excited for this trip. After all, it was our first vacation together. We were like family friends.

  I gave her a genuine smile, squeezing her hand. I was also excited for this vacation. I looked at Ved. He was smiling fondly at his younger sister. He shook his head, still keeping that smile on his face. He suddenly looked at me. I quickly moved my face, trying to hide the blush. I didn't want to let him know that I was looking at him. Of course, I wasn't checking him. Just.. ugh.. anyway.

  " We have a beach house there. You would definitely like it." Reva said. Turning to Ved, she said, " Ved, and don't forget to take your guitar. We'll do campfire and you're gonna play the guitar." " Tris, you should listen him playing it. He's a great guitar player." She admired him.

  " I'm very excited now that you're so admiring his talent. It seems that we're gonna have a great vacation." I said with a warm smile.


  We were currently in the car. Ved's family and I was in Manish uncle's car and all the luggage of our two families were in Dad's car with my mom and dad. The reason behind it was Reva wanted to sit with me and Ved.

  At first, we all were singing, chatting. Then we took a halt for the breakfast at a small highway side restaurant. It was only seven in the morning; so no one was really hungry. So we ordered wada pav and tea or coffee for each. Obviously, Ved didn't ordered any drink. We headed towards the Goa. After some time, the sun was on the top of head. And we all were feeling so sleepy. Reva was already asleep. Manish uncle and Shivani aunt were talking about some stuff and Ved was leaning his head against the headboard while listening the songs. His eyes were closed and his breath was vulnerable. He was looking so cute, like a baby. His lips were curved in a small smile. A smile formed on my face as I took his all handsome features in me. A yawn came and I knew that I really needed a sleep. So I closed my eyes, putting the headphones and listening Weep Not For Roads Untravelled by Linkin Park. I didn't realise when I got asleep.

  I opened my eyes only when I heard the lapping of beachcombers. I stretched my legs and arms. It was noon and we were now in the Goa. I don't know the exact location. Yawning, I looked on the both sides. Reva and aunt was still sleeping, uncle was driving the car and Ved was looking outside through the window. I took a view of outside.

  " Where are we?" I almost whispered, not wanting to wake them up.

  " We'll soon be near the Butterfly beach. Maybe in half an hour." Ved said, looking in his wrist watch.

  " I've never been there." I was really excited to see the place.

  " It's really beautiful. You'll love it, Trisha. The beach is a form of a small isolated cove and is full of nature around. There's forest, perfect white sand and translucent water. It's a peaceful quiet place. It is surrounded by a lot of rocks. When the trees on the hillside near the beach bloomed, you can see a lot of butterflies there." Manish uncle provide me the information.

  The information made me more excited. It was sounding beautiful, just like it's name.

  By the time, Reva and aunt Shivani was awake. It was quite a long time since we were driving, so we decided to take a short five minutes halt. We climbed down from the car and stretched our muscles, drank some water and took some fresh air. After a few minutes, we leaved for the Butterfly beach.

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