21. Magic

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  Trisha's POV

  It was Saturday morning. I woke up with the chirping of birds. Reva was still asleep. I took my phone to check the time which was on the table beside my left side. It was 6:45 am. I tried to sleep more for about five minutes, but sleep was not in a mood to come. So I stretched a little and got out of bed. Getting out of the room after freshing up, I headed towards the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee and searched for the eggs that we've got with us yesterday.

  " Hey, good morning." A deep morning voice came my back. I turned to see Ved.

  He was in a plain white shirt and black sweatpants. His black hair were dishevelled and his brown eyes were still sleepy. His lips were in a cute childish smile. He yawned, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. I kept myself from drooling over him. He was looking so sexy in his morning attire.

  " What are doing here this early?"  He came and took a seat at the counter.

  " I woke up early. And I need coffee every morning, so I'm here. Want something?" I said while putting the eggs in a vessel to boil it up.

  " Yeah, an apple please," he responded.

  " An apple? You don't want anything to drink? I can make you tea, if you want." I offered.

  " No, thanks. I don't drink tea either. And you know, an apple does a good job of waking you up. It makes you feel fresh. You should try also. Rather than drinking coffee and filling your body with the caffeine, eat an apple, it will be good for your health for long term. " He winked as he took an apple and washed it.

  " Hmm.. I'll try. But just for once, try my coffee. You'll start loving it." I smiled while beating the eggs and adding the ingredients in it.

  " Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow, leaning on the counter.

  " Un-hun.." I glanced at him.

  " Then what are you waiting for? A cup of coffee please, miss Joshi," He said as if he was giving the order.

  " Sure, sir. Just a moment, please." I continued the act. I gave him a cup of coffee. He took sip and looked at me.

  " How's it?" I asked him expectedly. After a short pause and a look of amusement from him, he opened his mouth, " Do you work in a coffee shop or something? It's.. it's amazing.. and I mean it cause this is the first time when I like a coffee, really. It's fab." He was grinning widely. A blush formed on my cheeks. " I'm glad you like it." I looked up at him from the ground. He was staring at me. Again there was that something in his eyes which was in his eyes last night. What was that? I averted my gaze and tried to fix it on the pancakes. " Pancakes?" "Sure, I'd like to taste it as well."

  Reva breezed inside the kitchen. " What's there to eat? I'm really hungry. " Pancakes, come." I invited.

   After a while, we were sitting on the sofa, eating our pancakes when our parents came inside from the main door, chatting and laughing.

  " Wow, pancakes! It smells so good." Aunt Shivani took a deep breath.

  " Mom, it's really nice. Tris made it. You should try." Ved said while devouring the pancakes. " Yup, it's too good." Reva beamed. " We all will. Let us first freshen up."

  " Umm.. it's really tasty. Perfect! I love it, dear!" Aunt Shivani complimented.

  " Let me taste," Uncle Manish took a bite. " Wow! It's really nice, Trisha." He grinned. " Hmm.. good," mom said with a smile. " I'm going to eat another plate of this," dad side hugged me. " Me too," Ved said.

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