Sakamaki&Mukami brothers Bordeom... -_-

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Shu:Zzzzzzzz.... *sleeping mode*

Yuma:I'm so bored!Im gonna go plant my tomatoes!

Kou:Me too Yuma kun!Im bored too!No ones asking us questions or dares!

Azusa:Zzzzzzz...*sleeping mode aswell*

Subaru:Everyone is sleeping!

Kou:Subaru kun!Im going to sleep...Can you tell me a bedtime story?

Subaru:No way!!

Kanato:I can tell you a bedtime story. *has his creepy face on*

Ayato:No way Kanato!You tell the scary bedtime stories!

Ruki:I'm gonna go read a book.

Kanato:What kind of book are you reading.

Azusa:I don't think you should tell Kanato what your reading Ruki kun.By the way I woke up.

Kou:Kk!Hi guys!Your cute idol is awake!I got an idea!How about I'll show a pic when we were young!But one of the Sakamaki brothers has to show a pic when they were young!

Rejji:Fine.Here a photo when we were young.

Kou:Great!Now let's combine them together!

Kou:Great!Now let's combine them together!

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Laito:I look good as ever.Then and now. ;)

Ayato:Don't be ridiculous!I won!Im yours truly!

Rejji:No I won.At least I'm focusing on that photo.

Kanato:Can you all be quite.Your giving teddy a headache!I won.I have teddy with me!Thats a bonus.

Subaru:I won.They showed me for the last because I was the cutest.

Shu: *fake sleeping and listening to music mode* *doesnt even care*

Kou:Anyways!On too the Mukami!I think I won!I still look cute!Isnt that right?All my m-neko chans? ;)

Ruki:I won.I look better then all of you.

Azusa:Yuma...give me back my bread...

Yuma:Half it with me!Kou ate all the bread!He eats the most!

Kou:Hey!I don't eat the most!

Azusa:Yes you do...

Kou:Azusa kun!Your suppose to be in my side!

Ruki:Be quite!Ill just cook something for dinner.

Kou:Really!?Yay!Thanks Ruki kun!

Yuma:Really?Okay here you go.Azusa here's your bread back.

Azusa:Thanks... *eats bread*

<Hey guys!So write in the comments if you have any questions or dares!Or write in the comments who looked the cutest in the Sakamaki brothers!Or write in the comments who look the cutest in the Mukami brothers!>

Kk love you all!Bai!
*keep on reading...*

Rejji:Okay everyone!Shu is still sleeping!How should we punish him!

Laito:I think me and Kanato know a place. ;)


Host:Welcome everyone!This is our new bachelor...Shu Sakamaki!

Shu:How did I get here!?!?What am I doing here!?

Kou:Hey guys!I brought popcorn!

*Everyone was eating popcorn*

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