Mukami&Sakamaki dare!

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Yui:Wear is everyone?*sees everyone sleeping*

Yui:Anyways.What does the dare say?

Yui:It says...

Yui:"I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Yui:I love that dare!

(The next day...)

Yui:Oh.Hey Laito kun.

Laito:Hey b-chan. ;)

Yui:Don't call me that.Because the dare is,"I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Laito:Awe man.

Rejji:What's the meaning of this?What are you 2 doing?

Yui:Oh Rejji San!It says.."I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Rejji:Okay then.Cant be helped.

Yui:*sees Subaru&Kou arguing*

Subaru:Kou!Give me your phone!You posted a picture of me sleeping on Instagram!

Kou:But you were so adorable Subaru kun!

Subaru:*takes out his small pony tail*

Kou:Hey!My ponytail!Give it back!

Subaru:Give me the phone first!

Yui:You 2!Stop fighting!

Kou:Hey m-Neko chan!*leans in her face*


Yui:Now u 2 stop fighting!And say sorry to each other!

Subaru&Kou:Yah right.

Yui:Well you have 2!The dare says.."I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Kou:Okay then!Your my princess m-Neko chan! *kisses Yui hand*

Subaru:Tsk.Disgusting.Im going.

Yui:*walking around*

Yui:*sees Yuma&Shu arguing*

Yuma:Shu!Move!How am I suppose to walk,when your laying on the middle of the hallways!Your legs are in the way!

Shu:Go away.I was here first.

Yuma:I don't care!Someone could trip!

Shu:Your so noisy.Your annoying voice is ruining my music.Go ahead and make me apple pie or something.

Yuma:Why you!!!!

Yui:Woah!Stop fighting!The dare says.."I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Shu:So what?We're suppose to treat you like Cinderella?

Yui: -_- *walked away*

Yui:*Sees Kanato&Azusa arguing*

Kanato:Damn Azusa!!Give me back teddy!!

Azusa:Hey teddy...I want to see this knife pierced in you...the more pain the better right...?

Kanato:I'm gonna punch you!!!!

Azusa:Yes please! :)

Yui:Woah woah!Guys!Stop fighting!

Kanato:You can't order us around you worthless mortal!

Azusa:Hey Eve...

Yui:It says,"I dare thee Mukami's & Sakamaki to treat Yui like a princes & do whatever Yui tells them to.And no drinking her blood."

Kanato:So you want another kiss then?like sleeping beauty?

Yui:No I don't!

Azusa:Your my precious princess eve... :)

Kanato:Oh no way!Shes mine!Dont go with Azusa!

Yui:*walked away* crazy

Yui:*Sees Ayato&Ruki arguing*

Ayato:Pancake is mine!Im yours truly!

Ruki:She's mine.Isnt that right livestock?

Yui:I belong to no one!

Ayato:Of course you don't belong to anyone!You only belong to me!

Yui:Stop it you 2!It says..

Ruki:Yah we know what the dare is.Cause you said it to all are other brothers.Me&red head can hear you guys from here.

Ayato:Oi!Ruki!Who are you calling a red head!

Ruki:Can't you tell?He's right beside me.

Ayato:Why you!!!

Yui:*walked away* you know what.I give up. -_- *goes to starbucks*

(Ask questions or dares! <3 )

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