French kiss (Subaru,Shu, or Yuma?)

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Ayato: Oi! Pancake! You have a dare!

Yui: What is it Ayato kun?

Ayato: Don't expect yours truly to read it for you.

Yui: Fine. -___-

Yui: The dare says..."I dare Yui to French kiss Subaru,Shu, or Yuma."

Yui: No way I'm doing that! I don't even know how to French kiss!

Ayato: And no way I am allowing that!

Kou: How about I'll show you how to do a French kiss.

Kou: Subaru kun! I need you as an example!

Subaru: No way I'm kissing you!

Kou: I was joking! Geez.

Laito: B-chan. I'll gladly give you a French kiss. ;)

Shu: Be quiet. You guys are ruining my music.

Yuma: Hey NEET how about you stand up for once!

Reiji: What's the meaning of this? What is going on?

Yui: My dare was to french kiss Subaru,Shu, or Yuma?

Shu: Fine I'll do it.

Yuma: Oh no way! I would rather do it! It's better then you doing it NEET.

Shu: What did you say?

Shu&Yuma: *arguing*

Subaru: Tsk.

Subaru: Oi.

Yui: Hm?

Subaru: *french kisses Yui*

Subaru: *french kisses Yui*

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Yui: U-um.

Subaru: *blush* Tsk. Your such a pain.

Subaru: You wouldn't choose who you wanted to French kiss!

Subaru: So might as well get it over with!

Kou: Nah! You just love herrrrr!

Subaru: Be quiet!

Kou: *runs away*

Subaru: Come back here!

Subaru: *chases Kou*

Yui: -___-

Yui: *brushes teeth. Gets tic tac.*

Yui: That's better!

(Ask questions or dares! <3 )

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