Yui dare!

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Ayato:Pancake!You have a dare!

Yui:Me?What does it say?

Ayato:Don't expect yours truly to read it for you!

Yui:Fine. -_-

Yui:It says..."I dare Yui to take swimming lessons."

Yui:I think I'll pass.😅Bye Ayato!🙋

Ayato:Oh no you don't!Your coming with me!

Yui: -_-

Yui:Ayato I'm going to fail.

Ayato:Okay first test to become a professional swimmer!

Yui:And what's that?

Ayato:I throw you in the pool and you'll eventually figure out how to swim.

Yui:That's not very nice!You are not gonna throw me in the pool again!

*Ayato carried her bridal style*

Yui:Let me go this instant!

Ayato:I'm gonna put you in the pool.But this time I'm holding you.So you trust me?

Yui:No!No I don't actually!

Ayato:Well to bad!Dont disobey me!

*ayato was teaching yui*

*Yui failed.Ayato bringed her back to the surface.*

Ayato:You got to be kidding me. -_-

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