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Rejji:I dare you guys to have manners for a week!😄P.S basically be a gentleman like Rejji.Now this will be fun.

Ayato:Hey!We have manners!

Rejji:No you don't Ayato.Dont you remember she made food for you at school and you drinked her blood.Did you had to do it at school?

Laito:Hey I have manners!Isnt that right? ;)

Rejji:You pinned her in a church for quite sake.

Kanato:Hey!Me and Teddy have manners!I have better stuff to do!Can I go!

Rejji:No you can't!You don't have manners.You pinned her in a cemitary.And while we were eating dinner,you held your fork and broke the plate.

Subaru:I have manners!

Rejji:When you first saw Yui.You hit a wall with your fist!It cost 50$!

Yuma:I have manners!

Ruki:You put the sugar cube in your mouth and then you feed the food to her mouth to mouth.You almost kissed her.

Yuma:How come you know!

Ruki:I'm always watching you guys.

Azusa:I have manners Ruki kun.....?

Ruki:You asked her to cut you with a knife.

Kou:That's why I have the most manners then all of you!And the cutest!

Ruki:You ate most of the shrimp while we were eating dinner.

Rejji:You all don't have manners.

Shu:*stop listening music* oh yeah Rejji.You gave her poison tea and she coughed.And then you drinked her blood.

The Triplets:He just got served.

Rejji:Anyways!I will all teach you how to be a gentleman and have manners for a week!


Rejji:First off.*takes his earphones* no listening to music!Only sleep when it's night!


Rejji:Let's start with Ayato.

Ayato:I'm already perfect.Im yours truly.

Rejji:You need to not argue with your 2 brothers!And stay quite!Act more like a prince.

Rejji:Laito!Stop acting like a perverted flirt for a week.

Laito:I'm not a perverted flirt!

Subaru:Yeah right.

Rejji:Kanato!And I'm gonna take away teddy for a week aswell!


Rejji:Fine.Dont be crazy for a week.

Rejji:Subaru!Stop punching stuff!And stop hitting the wall!

Rejji:Ruki!Um....Your good.Just stop stressing about becoming Adam.

Rejji:Yuma!Stop kissing Yui.And don't yell and argue while we were at dinner!When Kou eats most of the shrimp,don't get mad.Hold your tea with your infect finger and place it slightly in the table!

Rejji:Azusa!Dont ask anyone to hit you!And stop talking so slowly!

Rejji:Kou!Dont eat all the food!For now on you are gonna eat one shrimp!And if you want to practice your singing,sing outside!It makes too much noise.

Kou:Yeah yeah.*already forgot*

<it has been a week.And they didn't survive....😭>

Kou:I don't like this rule!!!I want more shrimp!!

Yuma:Well too bad!!!

Azusa:I want to get hit...wears my shiny knives....?

Ruki:How do I figure out to become Adam?

Ayato:How am I suppose to act like a prince!

Shu:Rejji!Give me back my music!

Subaru:I don't like this! *punches the wall*

Laito:I have to act like a flirt when little b comes!

Kanato:I can't handle this!Its so noisy!Im sorry teddy.

Rejji:*is getting a headache* -_-

<hope y'all ask questions a dares!>

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