Subaru Dare!

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Kou:Subaru kun!You have a dare!

Subaru:Don't call me Subaru kun!

Kou:Subaru kun!Subaru kun!Subaru kun!

Subaru:*punched the wall* be quite!!!

Kou:Your no fun!😭

Subaru:What's the dare?

Kou:It says,"I dare Subaru to act like Laito"

Subaru:No way!You can't pay me to do that!

Kou:Wanna act like me instead?😘

Subaru:Hell no!Ill rather act like Laito than you!

Kou:But I'm cute!How come!

Subaru:*left him*

Subaru:Laito?Teach me how to act like you.

Laito:Really?Well okay. ;)

"Laito was teaching Subaru"

Subaru:Okay.I think I got this.

Subaru:*wore a fedora*

Subaru:*trying to find Yui*

Subaru:Hey b-chan. ;)

Yui:*blinks* is that you Subaru?You look ummmm...different!And why did you call me b-chan!

Subaru:Cause your my precious b-chan. ;)

Yui:Huh!?Yah I'm leaving!Your creeping me out!

Subaru:*drags her to a church*

Subaru:At first I was only attractive to your blood.But now I changed my mind. ;) *pinns Yui down*

Subaru:*about to bite her*

Subaru:Okay I'm finish!I can't do this!

Laito:Awe!You almost had it!

Subaru:Too bad!I feel like a pervert!

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