Kanato kisses Azusa!

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Ayato: Oi! Kanato! You have a dare!

Kanato: Keep it down. Your to noisy. Right teddy?

Kanato: Can't you see I'm drinking tea?

Kou: Since when do you drink tea?

Kanato: Now! Now be quiet!

Kanato: *drinks tea*

Laito: Your dare says,"I dare Kanato to make out with Azusa. If he fails, the others are free to decide what they're gonna do with teddy."

Kanato: *spits out tea*

Kanato: Are you crazy!?

Ayato: I think your crazy.

Kanato: Oh be quiet!

Kanato: There is NO way!!! I will EVER kiss him!!

Subaru: It's either that or...

Kou: We get to do whatever you want with teddy!

Kou: I would love to put some lipstick on it!

Kanato: You better not do that!!!

Ruki: Well then you got to kiss Azusa.

Kanato: How about none!

Reiji: You can't. It's a dare. You got to do it.

Kanato: Well I don't care! I'm out!

"Kanato was about to walk away until..."

Azusa: Hm? What's going on?

"Kanato grabbed his shirt and kissed him."

"Kanato stopped the kiss"

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"Kanato stopped the kiss"

Azusa: Um....•_•

Azusa: I never new Kanato San liked me like that....

Kanato: It was a dare!! I did it for teddy! Don't get the wrong idea!

Azusa: No I mean....

Azusa: It was cute....*blushes*

Kanato: What are you talking about!?

Azusa: How you would kiss me to save teddy....

Azusa: Anyways...I'm going to talk to Justin....Bye...

Azusa: If you want to kiss me again you can...call me anytime...

Kanato: Get out!!!!

Azusa: I'm just jk.....

Azusa: Bye....

"Azusa left"

Kanato: Anyways...

Kanato: Wait...

Kanato: AZUSA!!! Give me back teddy!!!!

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