Kou Dare! Kou:Yay!My turn!

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Kou:Yay!!Its finally my turn!!

Everyone: *doesnt care -_-*

Kou:Don't I get a applaud?

Everyone:*still doesnt care*

Kou:Anyways!Yuma!Read my dare!

Yuma:Your dare is,"I dare Kou to not sing or eat shrimp for a week." I like that dare.

Kou:Nooooo!My shrimp!!!😭

Azusa:Yay...you don't have to eat all the shrimp....

Kou:Oh be quite!I don't eat a lot!

Ruki:Yah right...

Kou:But you all love my singing right!?



Kou:I can do this!I will prove to everyone that it is possible!

Kou:You guys beleive me right!

Everyone:*doesnt care -_-*

Kou: =3=

*it was dinner time*

Ruki:Hey.I made delicious,juicy,cooked shrimp.

Kou:Ruki kun!Your doing this on purpose!

Yuma:Kou do you want one

Kou:Yay!Of course I w-...I-I mean no!I don't want any!

Azusa:Suit yourself....

Kou:*watching them eat shrimp* *walks away*

Kou:Okay!I need to practice my singing for my next concert!

Shu:Your not aloud to sing.Remmeber?

Kou:Waaaa! :(

"Has been 3 days"

Kou:Okay I can't handle this!*eats shrimp*

Everyone: -_-

Kou:So yummy!!!😋

Subaru:Thought he wouldn't make it.

Kou:*Eats 50 peices of shrimp*


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