Mukami Dare!

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Kou:Ruki kun!Ruki kun!We have a dare!

Yuma:Kou!Stop screaming!

Ruki:What is the dare exactly?

Azusa:Do the team rocket motto infront of the Sakamaki&Eve....

Kou:I love that motto!Im doing the ending!Azusa is not gonna be Jessie or James because he's to slow!No offence.


Kou:Ruki!Yuma!Your Jessie&James!

Yuma:Ruki your Jessie!

Ruki:Why do I have to be the girl?

*ruki&yuma were arguing about being the girl.*

*ruki won the argument*

Yuma:Fine!Ill be Jessie!

Kou:Then wear all set!Ruki is James!Yuma is Jessie!Azusa is that blue Pokemon thing in the end!And I'm the amazing cute cat!

*The Mukami visit the Sakamaki house*

Kou:Okay everybody!We have a important announcement!

Kanato:What is that damn Azusa doing here!!?It better be Important!!?

Shu:What is Yuma doing here?


Ayato:Why is bookworm here!?Why is Ruki here!?

Kou:Hi Subaru kun!Did you miss me!?



Ruki:So wear just doing the team rocket motto.So listen.

Kou:Okay let's start!

"Team rocket motto"

Yuma:Prepare for trouble!

Ruki:Make it double!

Yuma:To protect the world from devastation!

Ruki:To unite all peoples within our nation!

Yuma:To denounce the evils of truth and love!

Ruki:To extend our reach to the stars above!



Yuma:Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

Ruki:Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

That's right!


*The Sakamaki brothers were laughing*

*the Mukami brothers got annoyed.They took Yui from them*

Sakamaki Brothers:Hey!They took her!


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