Who is the best singer!?

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Yui: Guys!We got a question!

Ayato: Well read it pancake!

Yui: How rude. -_-*

Yui: It says,"Who is the best singer!?"

Kanato: I obviously am the best singer!Has nobody heard me sing "Scarbough fair!?"

Everyone exept Yui:.......•_•*silent*

Kanato: Whatever!

Kou: Anyways!Im the best singer!I am an idol after all!Isnt that right all my m-neko chans!

Subaru: Tsk.Your such a flirt.

Kou: You know you love me Subaru kun!

Subaru: Barf.

Kou: -_-

Shu: Well I guess I tried singing I guess....

Rejji: What are you talking about?You sit on your couch all day listening to music.

Shu: And your point is?

Yuma: #Laziness

Shu: I am not lazy.

Laito: I think I won. ;)

Ayato: Hands down yours truly won!I am the best singer!

Ruki: Yah right.I am.

Kou: I never knew you can sing Ruki kun.

Ruki: Of course I can sing.

Kanato: Hey!You all forgot teddy!

Azusa: He doesn't talk....

Kanato: Yah he does!Just not infront of you guys!He only likes me!Isnt that right teddy?


Yui: How about we let the people vote?Everyone who is reading  this right now!Write in the comments who is the best singer!?

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