Ayato acts like Ruki & Ruki acts like Ayato!!

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Ayato: Oi pancake! C'mere!

Yui: What is it Ayato kun?

Ayato: I ran out of pancake.

Yui: What are you talking about? Do you want a sip of my blood?!

Yui: I'm not in the mood for it!

Yui: And besides...you and Ruki have a dare.

Ayato: Huh?!

Ayato: It better not be me kissing him! Cause that's not gonna happening!

Ruki: I wouldn't want to kiss you either red head.

Ayato: Oi! Where did you come from!?

Ruki: I was always here.

Ayato: Pancake! Read the dare so we can get this over with!

Ruki: Your so noisy. Do you have to be that loud? As expected by a red head.

Ayato: What did you say bookworm!?

Ruki: You need breath mint.

Ayato: Oh that's it! I'm on my limits!

Yui: Guys! Stop fighting!

Ayato: He is so annoying!

Ayato: I wouldn't even want to be you!

Ruki: I wouldn't want to be you either.

Yui: Um... •_•

Ayato: What is it?

Yui: I don't think you guys are gonna like this dare.

Ruki: Why?

Yui: The dare says,"I dare Ayato to act like Ruki and Ruki to act like Ayato for 24 hours. They have to dress like them aswell."

Ayato: What!!?!?

Ruki: Not happening. No way I'm going to dress like him.

Yui: You guys have to! It's a dare!

Ayato: Dare, don't care.

Yui: But you guys have to do it!

Yui: Ayato! If you don't do it...I'll stop making Takyoki for you!

Ayato: If you stop making Takyoki for yours truly... Then I'll have to punish you then.

Yui: U-um...Ruki kun! I'll take all your books away if you don't do the dare!

Ruki: Nonsense. I wouldn't allow that to happen.

Yui: I give up... -.-

Ayato: You know what? I'll actually do the dare.

Yui: Really?!

Ayato: No.

Yui: (`_')ゞ

Ruki: Let's just do the dare.

"Ayato and Ruki switched clothing's"

Ruki: Your clothing is so...

Ayato: So what?!

Ruki: So red headed.

Ayato: What does that mean?!

Ruki: Why do you even wear this thing around your neck.

Ayato: Because I can!

Ayato: And why do you wear this thing around your neck?!

Ruki: What a ridiculous question. And an obvious answer.

Ruki: Because I want to.

Ayato: Uhhh!!

Ayato: I'm gonna act like you now!

"Ayato acts like Ruki"

Ayato: I'm Ruki and I'm a bookworm!

Ayato: And I love reading books and drinking tea!

Ayato: That's why I am called a bookworm!

Ayato: I am also an obsessed freek. I would do anything to become Adam!

Ayato: When I get angry... I lock my pray in a room and leave her in there for a week.

"Ruki acts like Ayato"

Ruki: My hair is  the color of strawberry.

Ruki: That's why I am called a red head.

Ruki: I also need some breath mint.

Ruki: And I also throw mortals in a pool.

Ruki: I am an annoying red headed vampire that calls Yui the most ridiculous nicknames ever.

"They did that for 24hours"

Ruki&Ayato: So who won?

Everyone: Um.... *no comment* •_•

(Ask questions or dares! ^^ )

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