Graffiti all over Ayato's room!

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Yui: Okay...I read the dare. All I have to do is throw graffiti everywhere in Ayato's room.

Yui: Ayato kun is sleeping right now.

"Yui went inside Ayato's room"

"Yui throwed Graffiti everywhere in his room."

Yui: Okay! Now I got to run!

"Yui ran away."

"Ayato woke up"

Ayato: Uhh...

Ayato: Hm?

Ayato: RUKI!!!!!

"Ayato ran to find Ruki"

Ayato: Oi! Ruki! Why did you put graffiti's all over my room!!!

Ruki: I didn't do that.

Ayato: Then who did it!

Azusa: Teddy probably did it....

Kanato: AZUSA!!

Kanato&Azusa: *arguing*

Shu: -_-*

Ayato: So who did it!?

Yui: U-um...

Yui: It was me...

Ayato: Is that so?

Ayato: Let me drink your blood as punishment pancake.

Yui: *runs away*

Ruki: If you want her. You gotta go through me.

Ayato: Bring it on.

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