Shu dare!

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Rejji:Shu!Wake up!You have another dare!

Shu:I have another one again?Why can't they ask the Mukami brothers instead?

Ayato:No more questions!Just do your dare!

Shu:What is it?

Ayato:It says I dare Shu to kiss pancake infront of everyone.....Huh!?!?I will not allow it!Yours truly will not allow you to kiss pancake!

Shu:Okay then.Im going to listen to my music.

Rejji:No.You have to do the dare.Dont be lazy.Uhh.Dead beat.

Shu:Fine.Is it her first kiss?

*Ayato&Kanato&Rejji were silent •_•

Shu:So it wasn't huh?

Ayato:I was her first kiss.

Kanato:I was her second.

Rejji:I was her third.

Shu:Rejji you weren't her third.You kissed Clordillia.

Shu:*walks up to Yui*

Yui:Hey Shu San.What are you doing?

Shu:*kisses her*

*Everyone was jealous and mad at him*

Ayato:SHU!!How dare you!! *chased him*

<Ask questions or dare! <3 )

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