Ayato Dare!

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Kanato:Ayato kun!You have a dare.

Ayato:Oi!Wears pancake!

Laito:I want to see little b chan aswell.But this dare is really good this time. ;)

Ayato:Yah I don't beleive you 2.*walked away*

Shu:He's hopeless.

Ayato:*bumped into someone" Ow!How dare you bump yours truly!*sees Ruki* oh it's you.

Ruki:Ayato.You have to do your dare.

Ayato:To bad!Wears pancake?!

Ruki:We kidnapped her again.We'l give her back once you do the dare.


Ayato:Fine.Whats the dare anyways?

Ruki:"I dare Ayato to not be yours truly for a month." I like that dare!

Ayato:Well I don't!

Ruki:To bad.Do you want to see her or not?

Ayato:Damn it.

"It has been a week already."

Laito:Wow.What do I see here?Is Ayato not saying "yours truly?"

Subaru:I'm impressed.

Ayato:Oh be quite you guys.*death glare*

Shu:Oh I'm so scared.*sarcastic*

Kanato:Come on teddy.Lets go somewear quite.

"Ayato POV"
I was thinking in my head what other things I could say instead."Pancake?" No that's what I call Yui."Chichinashi?" That's what I also call her.Uhhh!I can't think of anything!

"Has been another week"

Laito:Is it just me?Or is our Ayato kun not talking that much?

Kanato:We all don't even talk to each other anyways.

Kou:Hey guys!Wear back!Whas wrong with Ayato?He looks dull?Anyways!Lets go shopping!

Subaru:Why do we need to go shopping?

Kou:Let's buy m-Neko chan a dress!I need a dress for her!Shes gonna be singing with me in my concert!She needs a dress!Can you guys help me!

Ayato:Don't you dare boss around you-...I-I mean lets go already!Whay are you guys waiting for?

Ruki:He almost said it.

"They were at the mall"

Kou:Oh I like this dress!Subaru kun what do you think?

Subaru:It's okay I guess.I like this pink one for her.

Ayato:This one is nice for pancake!

Kanato:Hey!I found a teddy dress!

Laito:I think she should wear a bikin. ;)


Rejji:Shu!Wake up!

Shu:How did I get to the mall!?

Rejji:We need to find a dress for Yui!

Yuma:What kind of dress do you think we should get her?



Laito:I would love her to wear a dress that is transparent. ;)


Ayato:*sneaked away and tried to find her* *finally found her* Finally I found you pancake!

Yui:Gomen nasai....

Ayato:You owe me your blood.*About to bite her but got interupted*

Kou:M-Neko chan!Hi!We got you a transparent dress!

Yui: {-_-}

Ayato:*death glare*

"Everyone runs away."

"Ayato didn't say "yours truly" for a month"

Kou:Yay!Ayato!So proud! *claps*

<ask questions or dares! <3 )

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