Yui Dare!

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Ayato:Pancake!You have a dare!

Yui:Really?What does it say?

Ayato:It says,"I dare pancake to suck Ayato blood."

Ayato:I'll gladly give you a sip of my blood.

Yui:*runs away*

Yui:Their is no way I'm drinking a vampires blood!

Ayato:*Pinned her on the wall* Hey pancake.I love that fear expression on your face.I think this is the time you scream.I want you to scream from the top of your lungs as you drink my blood.You won't get away from me this time.

Yui:Please!Let me go this instant!

"Something fell"

Shu:Oops.My bad.I dropped something.

Ayato:Shu!You ruined the moment!

Shu:Just pretend I'm not here.Continue.


Ayato:Anyways.Hers some of my blood pancake.*feeds a tiny bit of blood to her*


Ayato:You got to be kidding me.It doesn't taste that bad does it?

Ayato:*carries her bridal style and puts her on the couch*


Yui:*woke up*

Yui:That was a terrible dream I had!My dream was I drinked Ayato blood.Thank gosh it wasn't real!

Ayato:What are you talking about pancake?It was real.

Yui:*faints again.😲*

Ayato: -_-

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