The fangirls comes to the mansion!!!

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Kou: Everyone! We all got a dare!

Ayato: What does it say?

Shu: It says.....

Shu: I dare everyone (exept Yui) to invite the fangirls to hang out with them for an entire week.And Yui can stay at my house.

Ayato: I am not allowing that! She belongs to me! I'm not letting her go!

Kou: Why not!? It's only for a week! I get to invite all my fangirls!

Laito: Okay let's make a deal.

Yuma: Ruki and Ayato will do rock,paper,scissors. If Ayato wins. Then Yui will stay and we're skipping the dare.

Rejji: We can't do that. It's a dare. We got to do it.

Ayato: But don't you realize guys!?

Ayato: If we let her go, she might escape!

Yuma: She's staying in somebody's house remember?

Kou: Okay m-Neko chan! Pack your bags!

Yui: Hm? Well okay.

Yui: *packs bags*

Yui: *secretly puts camera's around the mansion*

Yui: Bye everyone!

Yui: *leaves the mansion and goes to the house*

Yui: They didn't read the full dare. The dare said,"I dare everyone (exept Yui) to invite the fangirls to hang out with them for an entire week.And Yui can stay at my house.We can watch and record everything that happens in secret."

Yui: So that's why I put camera's around the mansion.

Back to the mansion....

Ayato: I'm thirsty! I need pancake here!

Laito: Kou.When are all the fangirls coming? You said you are gonna handle it.

Kou: They will come through that door in 1....

Kou: 2.....

Kou: 3.....

All the fangirls stormed through the door.

All the fangirls: OMG OMG OMG!! There so hot!!!!!!

Girl 1: Can I touch your fedora Laito kun!?

Laito: Hey give me my fedora back!

Girl 2: Your so adorable! And teddy is adorable too!

Kanato: Hey give me teddy back!

Girl 3: What kind of books do you read Ruki?!

Ruki: Hey give me my books!

Girl 4: Can I have some green tea!?

Rejji: Who took all my tea!?

Girl 5: Your hair is so soft!

Ayato: Stop touching yours truly's hair!

Girl 6: Omg! This is Azusa knife!

Azusa: Where's my knives...?

Girl 7: I'm gonna have some tomato seeds!

Yuma: Where's my tomato seeds!?

Girl 8: I think you'll look cute if you push your bangs out of the way.

Subaru: Stop pushing my bangs out of the way!

Subaru: *punches the wall*

Girl 9: I need to borrow a pony tail!

Girl 9: Thanks Kou kun!

Kou: Hey give me back my pony tail!

Girl 10: What kind of music are you listening Shu San!?

Shu: *Shu crazy mode*

Shu: Where's my earphones!!!! 😡

Rejji: Hey everyone listen up! If you have questions to ask us. Go on ahead and ask anyone of us!

Girl 8: I got a question for Subaru!

Subaru: What is it?

Girl 8: Do you like Yui!?

Subaru: *blush*


All the fangirls: OMG omg I'm dying! 😍

Girl 5: I got a question for Ayato!

Ayato: What is it?

Girl 5: Why do you call yourself yours truly?

Ayato: Cause I'm the best that's why.

Girl 3: I got a question for Ruki!

Ruki: What is it?

Girl 3: Do you think you can beat Ayato?!

Ruki: On what?

Girl 3: Winning Yui heart!

Sakamaki&Mukami: Huh!?!?

Ruki: What are you talking about?

Girl 3: Since we're all fangirls! We all ship Yui with someone!

A/n: Write in the comments who you ship with Yui! <3

Girl 3: So do you think you can be Ayato?!

Ruki: Of course I can.

Ayato: What did you say!?

Ruki: Stop screaming red head.

Ayato: Pancake likes me better!

Girl 7: Can I ask a dare for Yuma!?

Rejji: Sure.

Girl 7: I dare Yuma to give Subaru a tomato! And Subaru has to feed the tomato in Kou mouth!

All fangirls: I want to see that!!!

Subaru: Well I don't!!!!

Yuma: *gives tomato to Subaru*

Subaru: Uhh! Fine I'll do it!

Subaru: Say "Ahhh"

Subaru: *feeds the tomato in Kou mouth*

All the fangirls: I'm dying! This is so cute! 😍

"It has been a week and the fangirls left and Yui is back in the mansion"

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