Rejji Dare!

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Kou:Hey guys!Wear back!So Rejji has a dare!

Kanato:Hey!Azusa!Give me back teddy!

Azusa:Would be like to be in pain...?The more pain the better.....

Azusa:I'll give it back if you hit me? :)

Kanato:Damn right I will!You stupid Mukami brothers!

Subaru:You too get along!

Rejji:Your manners are deplorable.You all are acting like children's.

Shu:Can you keep it down?Im trying to sleep? *sleeps*

Kou:Hey Subaru kun!I got your shiny knife!

Azusa:Can I have it....? :)

Yuma:No Azusa!

Ayato:Anyways.Rejji you have a dare.Can you get this over with?I want to find pancake.

Laito:I also want a taste of little b blood. ;)

Kanato:She's my prey.Im thirsty.Abd Teddy is too.

Ayato:Back off!Shes mine!

Ruki:Wear is livestock anyways?

Ayato:Don't you think about it!Shes mine!

Ruki:At least I'm more mature than you.

Rejji:Anyways.My dare was:I dare you to punish Shu by drugging him.Ill gladly do that.

*rejji was making his tea."

Shu:*still sleeping*

Ayato:So who's gonna open his mouth?

*they all decided*

Ayato:Why do I have to do it!!Im yours truly!

Subaru:In tired of you saying yours truly!

Laito:Chill Subaru.

Ruki:We made you do it because you said who's gonna do it.So we made you do it.

Ayato:Oh be quite!

*Ayato opened Shu mouth and Rejji feed the tea to him*

Shu:*coughed* what the hell is in that tea!

Rejji:It was a dare.Its a drug tea.Now drink your tea proudly.


Yui:Hey guys I'm back.

Shu:Hey beautiful. ;)

Ayato:What the heck did you put in him!Stay back!Shes mine!

Rejji:It's a drug.I guess he got drunk.

Laito:He's acting more like me. ;)

*shu was about to kiss her.Everyone pulled him back*

*later on....Shu was back to normal*

Shu:What happened?Im gonna listen to music.No one make a noise. *listening to music*

Everyone: (-_-)

<You guys can ask any other questions or dared! ^_^>

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