Laito dare!

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Kou: Oh!Laito kun has a dare!

Kou:Shu can you read it to me!

Shu: Zzzzz....

Kou:Nevermind. T_T

Kou: It says....I dare Laito to get drunk and Kou has too take a video of him. Afterwards (When Laito is sober) he has to react to the video of him being drunk.

Kou: Okay! (⌒▽⌒)

Kou: *gets the drink*

Kou: Where is Laito kun?

Kou: Oh there he is!Laito kun!

Laito: Awe man I thought it was b-chan.

Laito: Anyways what do you want?

Kou: Here you go Laito kun!Here's chocolate milk! 😋

Laito: That's odd.Why are you suddenly giving me chocolate milk?

Kou: Um because....It will make your bones stronger!Don't you want to have muscles to impress m-neko chan!

"Kou POV"
What kind of an excuse is that?! (>人<;)

Laito: Okay fine I'll drink it.

Laito: *drinks it*

Laito: Uhhh...This is not chocolate milk...

Laito: *is drunk*

Kou: Okay got to get out my camera! *gets camera and video tapes it*

Laito: *runs out the mansion*

Kou: Woah!Where is he going!? *follows him*

Kou: Why is he at the church??

Laito: Oh there you are b-chan. ;)

Yui: Laito kun?How come your here?

Laito: *pinns her on the table*

Yui: Nani!?

Yui: *pushes him*

Laito: *fedora fell*

Laito: Look at you defending your self.You aren't trying to tempt me aren't you? ;)

Laito: Now...

Laito: Where were we

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Laito: Where were we. ;)

Laito: I love you.B-chan. ;)

Kou: Okay that's enough!!!

Laito: Oh hey Kou. ;) *hugs him*

Yui: *sitting there staring (¬_¬)*

Yui: #Yaoi

Laito: *fell asleep*

"Laito turns back to normal.They are back at the Sakamaki mansion*

Rejji: Kou show him the video.

Kou: There is no way I'm showing him that video!

Laito: What video?

Laito: I want to see!

Kou: No!

Laito: Come on let me see!

Kou: I said no!

Subaru: *smashes the phone to pieces*

Subaru: There problem solved!

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